Wikis / Unreal Wiki / Legacy:Mod Ideas/Flame Shield


For 30 seconds the user is immune to damage from physical objects such as bullets(they burn up) and from heat damage(you're already on fire) like rocket explosions. Also the player automatically damages anyone who gets too close. Energy weapons and falling would still do full damage and flames would partially block the user's vision. Water would probably cancel the effect. As an extra downside perhaps energy weapons actually do extra damage.

Interested Scripters:----


Prospero: I don't have the time for this one right now, but it seems like it could be fun to code. I'm curious to see if anyone has thoughts about a powerup having a downside. I think it makes gameplay a bit more interesting because it forces the player to make a decision, but it may not be 'fun'.

Info Page Information

2022-11-18T09:57:18.452986Z 2005-08-25T06:38:59Z Prospero Content for fire shield page Ideas/Flame Shield Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0