CTF Extras
im goin to be starting this for UT first
basically ctf extras are a set of new triggers/actors to enhance ctf games for mappers!
it have two droplists: teamnumberlist and teameventlist
if in slot 1 of teamnumberlist i put "1" and in teameventlist slot1 i put "woot"
when someone of team 1 touches the trigger it will trigger event "woot" pretty basic
this sctor will contain one input where you will place a teams number eg. changeteamnum: 1
the event should be the tag of a playerstart actor eg. event: "uber"
when triggered by a multiteamtrigger all playerstart actors with the tag "uber" will change to team 1 so team1 spawns there only
there should also be a trigger for changing a teamcannons teamnumber so it will defend these little areas
how this will improve gameplay:
teams will need to work together to capture these small areas so they spawn closer to the enemy base
this could save player a long trip to the enemy base and making the flagrun shorter
teams will want to defend any additional playerstart areas near thier own base to stop enemy capturing it
the idea was inspired by unreal2 xmp
if there are any programmers out there who are intrested
please add your name to this list if your intrested
and drop me an email [email protected]