Wikis / Unreal Wiki / Legacy:Mod Ideas/Arms


Why not bring back the good old weapons from previous doom and quake games? Nailguns, BFG's, hyperblaster, etc. Lots of guns. Maybe divide the different guns into classes by firepower so that the player only can have one weapon for each class. Or maybe create a weapons weight system to limit the players weapons. Perhaps make the player slower the closer the total weapon weight is to the maximum.

Just an idea.

Note: This is illegal. Doing it means violating the program's EULA.

/Jo Are By ([email protected])

Zygar: Illegal? What are you on about? If you don't use the original model or graphics it is perfectly legal to do so.

empty_other: Ill always wanted a HUGE weaponpack, with all weapons trough times of unrealistic/scifi firstperson shooters, usable for the mapper. That had been cool. But to much work...

But what i at least want is the Shrinking Ray and the Devastators (i think they was named, those Dual "Rocketlauncers" from Duke Nukem 3d). Ill vote for this mod.

Kirk: Haha, the shrinking ray in UT? That would be a funny sight for the player that gets shrunken... The Devastator would be awesome, it never had enough ammo in D3D. But all the weapons from D3D are pretty cool. Wouldn't mind some Deux Ex weapons (that would be easy, although illegal, to port :D) or some from SS2.

empty_other: Not illegal if we model it ourself, in an updated cool "unreal" look, and give it another name...:) Why dont we do it? Starts now? Hmm, maybe because i havent tried making weapons before...

MythOpus: Personally, I hate making weapons... it takes sooo long to make just a simple custom weapon! but I'll vote for this :D

Page Information

2022-11-18T09:53:15.835854Z 2005-05-04T17:38:01Z Yay weapons Ideas/Arms Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0