Wikis / Unreal Wiki / Legacy:Luggage

Luggage, or Lugg for the lazy typers.

Contact me on ICQ (#13481107) or mail me [email protected] if you feel like it...

Why I Like Editing Games

I don't know. It just came. I started out mapping for Unreal 1 when I didn't even know there was something like the Internet, and it showed: I had never been given any tutorials. However, that changed when our public transport system donated me a 33.6k modem... I also finally got my hands on UT. And so I started mapping. Well, I wasn't good. (I still ain't, eh...) I got around to releasing about 2 maps in about half a year, then I joined Team Orbit. It is a great experience to work with a team as professional as this one, and I've never learned so much in so little time. I made some maps, and I'm still struggling to make more... but the mapping spark seems to have moved on. (As if I ever had it! Bleh.) So I got into various things... I tried skinning, texture creation, web design (Which is maybe the only think I'm really good at... If being good at it doesn't imply mastering PHP, that is.) ...and I finally (?) arrived at Unrealscript. I've been taught Java in school for a year, and I'm supposed to be good at it... well, the teacher wasn't, so being better than him probably doesn't mean much. Anyways, knowing a bit of Java proved to be a very good base for learning UScript. And there I am now, writing concepts for lots of cool Mods I would like to create... Let's just hope I don't repeat my old mistakes again.

My old mistakes

Well... I have a plethora of unfinished maps on my hard drive. Some of these might even have become good ones. Maybe they would even have earned me some sort of praise... but they didn't. Because they never got released. So here's my interpretation of what went wrong:

  1. I learn too quickly.
  2. I take too long breaks.

So, why does that disable me of creating cool maps? Or even maps at all? Because:

1. Means that I advance in skill quicker than I can complete a map. Together with 2. that means that when I finally get back to the map, I don't like what I did anymore, because I think I can already do better.

All in all, this doesn't help develop my mapping (skinning, texturing etc.) skills at all. If anybody has nice tips to help me get over myself, please tell me.

My Favourite Links

Luggage's Hideout - You guessed it, my homepage.

Team Orbit - Makers of NeoCairo and future creators of Orbit Wars

Aeon Development - a.k.a. The-Team-Behind-DarkMagic

My Regularly Visited IRC Channels

I'm almost a regular in #darkmagic, #unrealcore, and less regularly in #unrealscript on ETG. I really only visit #unrealscript when I've got a problem, hehe :p

Tarquin: hi Luggage. Consider this your official wiki welcome :)

Luggage: Thanks, just gonna add a guestbook :)

My Guestbook

Your Ramblings here.

Ars-Magna: Hi Luggage, thought I might let you know you aren't alone in the "I never released maps because I never finished any" department. For similar reasons to you, I'll get this awesome idea for a level, and take it to critical stage, then just dump it.

Luggage: Hey :) I finally made a level with good gameplay... well, acceptably good gameplay, I think. It started all out without architecture, and now I'm adding stuff... anyways, it's for UT, and the new engine's due out last saturday... well, maybe I'll still finish it before I get the new game :)

Claw: Hi Lug. Shouldn't you have put the Guestbook header above Tarquin's post? :p

Luggage: Yo Claw! :) No, why?

SabbathCat: Hi man, interesting Bio man, never read that in your hideout! So did you ever finish that UT map? :)?

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2022-11-18T16:07:00.055972Z 2007-09-21T08:37:04Z *Reverted Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0