Wikis / Unreal Wiki / Legacy:Build Window

This window holds the options for rebuilding a map

The process itself is described in Build

The Stats Tab

This shows:


  • Total brushes in the map
  • Total zones in the map


Max Depth, Avg depth: no idea

A map made ofa single cube gives these two as 5 and 6. How the Average can be higher than the maximum of somewhat baffling.


Again, the single cube map gives: 6(0). Adding a light makes this 7(1). Adding a ton of cubes seems to make no difference. Weird.

Page Categories

Page Information

2022-11-18T09:15:17.822223Z 2003-05-25T09:19:54Z Mychaeel [[Category Mapping]] Window Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0