This list contains named characters in Unreal 2 which played little significance to the plot. Most are NEG marines and civilian scientists, but some Izanagi characters were also named.
NEG Marines
The NEG marines are sorted by the planet they are encountered on.
Avalon training
Raff | |
Rank/Position: | Unknown |
Corporate Affiliation: | TCA |
Weapon Preference: | No preference |
Ya know, if I put two flags in there, I could sell tickets, maybe get someone to sponsor a tournament. Those guys over at Liandri have more money than brains... hmmm.
Raff was a Terran Colonial Authority soldier stationed at Avalon. He worked in the basement and ran the training facilities located there. He was not heard from since, but likely killed when the Skaarj attacked.
Four marines were present on Sanctuary, but only two were named.
Binelli | |
Rank/Position: | Unknown |
Corporate Affiliation: | NEG |
Weapon Preference: | Combat Assault Rifle |
Binelli, get between those rocks and set up a turret.
Binelli was one of the marines sent to Sanctuary to pick up the Artifact from John Dalton. After his ship was shot down in a swamp before reaching escape velocity, he and his squad mates, assisted by Dalton, defended a clearing large enough for the TCA Atlantis to land and extract them.
Binelli is only referenced in passing by Sgt. Kramer before the waves of Skaarj began attacking the clearing. His name is only noticed if the player is paying attention.
Sgt. Kramer
Sergeant Kramer | |
Rank/Position: | Sergeant |
Corporate Affiliation: | NEG |
Weapon Preference: | Combat Assault Rifle |
Holy sh... Can you do that?
Sgt. Kramer was the marine who acquired the first Artifact from John Dalton at Sanctuary. Shortly after his squad had taken off, his ship was shot down in a swamp on the other side of the planet. Dalton landed to assist the marines, all of whom survived the crash, and together they participated in the defense of a clearing on Sanctuary while the TCA Atlantis came for extraction.
Eight marines were sent to destroy the Izanagi controlled Minkovsky Dam, however, seven were killed and the one injured. The injured marine gave John Dalton one of his fallen comrade's Sniper Rifle.
Lieutenant Sebastian | |
Rank/Position: | Lieutenant |
Corporate Affiliation: | NEG |
Weapon Preference: | Combat Assault Rifle |
Leg's busted up, but I'll make it.
Lt. Sebastian was one of the two marines sent on the mission to destroy the Izanagi-controlled Minkovsky Dam on Severnaya. His unnamed partner was killed shortly before John Dalton arrived to assist, and his own leg was shot. Lt. Sebastian was extracted in Dalton's dropship while he finished the marines' mission.
Four marines assisted John Dalton in the defense of the Izanagi research facility on Sulferon during the assault by the Ghost Warriors in an attempt to re-take the facility while a technician stole Izanagi data.
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Lieutenant Caruso. Weapon preference: Sniper Rifle. | Lieutenant Cosner. Weapon Preference: Rocket Launcher. | Seargeant Easley. Weapon Preference: Flamethrower. | Private First Class Taba. Weapon Preference: Combat Assault Rifle. |
Four more marines assisted John Dalton in the defense of the Polaris facility during the assault by the Liandri Angels while Dr. Meyer established a communication link with the TCA Atlantis.
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Lieutenant Chavez. Weapon preference: Flamethrower. | Lieutenant Noah Crable. Weapon Preference: Rocket Launcher. | Seargeant Harrison. Weapon Preference: Shotgun. | Private Sadao. Weapon Preference: Combat Assault Rifle. |
Lt. Crable's first name, Noah, is never given in-game. Noah is the name he is identified as in the internal game files. Additionally, Noah Crable is a reference to Jess Crable, programmer of Legend Entertainment.
Three marines and Dalton defended a pass on Avalon while awaiting the Atlantis to land. Only one was named.
McMillan | |
Rank/Position: | Unknown |
Corporate Affiliation: | NEG |
Weapon Preference: | Combat Assault Rifle |
McMillan here. Bravo Squad Leader. Our 20 is the building directly below the landing pad. We've set up a perimeter and can hold indefinitely.
McMillan was the leader of two other marines on Avalon's surface during the Skaarj attack on the planet. He and his squad successfully held back waves of attacks while John Dalton disabled the planetary cannon which was firing on ships that were trying to evacuate or counter-assault the position. After holding back several more waves while waiting for the TCA Atlantis to pick them up, the Atlantis was shot down seconds before reaching the men. McMillan proceeded in calling the Dorian Gray for an evacuation.
Dorian Gray
The Dorian Gray was a TCA flagship with several marines and other crew.
Uh, hello? Executive officer Percivale here. The damn ship is listing. Any repair crews available to fix the gravity engine?
Percivale was the XO of the Dorian Gray.
Stevens. Take a detail and clear a path to the escape pods. Don't tell anyone or you'll start a panic. I'll follow in a minute.
Stevens was a marine aboard the Dorian Gray.
General Drexler
I've dealt with Drexler before. He's a weasel. Don't trust him.
General Drexler was a military leader during the time of Unreal 2. During the game, the player (as John Dalton) is lead to believe he is collecting artifacts under Drexler's command. Late in the game it is realized that the player has never actually been in any contact with Drexler, direct or indirect, and has been used by Sector Commander Hawkins of the TCA all along. However, it is clear there really is a General Drexler, otherwise the character would not have fell into Hawkins' plan.
Other names
Game files reveal more Light Marine names, however, they were never officially assigned to any real individuals in the game. The names are: Butch, Hawk, Hurst, Kovacs, O'Riley, Razzrezz, Rhinehart and Ricardo.
Santuary was a Liandri mining colony attacked by Skaarj.
Danny Miller
Danny Miller | |
Rank/Position: | Unknown |
Corporate Affiliation: | Liandri |
Weapon Preference: | No preference |
Jesus, John. Were WE ever that green?
Danny Miller was an employee at Liandri Station Lima Six. He sent out a distress call when the facility was raided by Skaarj and Izarians and holed himself up in a security room with an Artifact which was believed to be the reason for the attack.
Miller observed John Dalton's progress through the facility via security camera and gave him some information and advice over the local PA system. He died, however, when he left his secure room too soon during Dalton's final approach towards his location and was killed by a Skaarj.
Hell was home to the Axon Corporation Elysium Weapons Research Facility. During an experiment on spiders using radiation from the Artifacts, the mutant Araknids killed most people in the facility.
Oh my god! Dogget's dead!
Dogget was an employee at the Elysium Weapons Research Facility. He was killed during the outbreak of the Araknids.
Interestingly, Dogget is a reference to Travis Dogget, artist of Legend Entertainment.
Hank Jensen
Hank Jensen | |
Rank/Position: | Unknown |
Corporate Affiliation: | Axon Corporation |
Weapon Preference: | No preference |
Dalton: Who are you?
Jensen: Jensen. Maintenance for Area 9.
Hank Jensen was an employee at the Elysium Weapons Research Facility on Hell. He assisted Dalton in gaining access to the main part of the facility.
Jensen's first name is never actually given in game. His dialog profile labels him as "Hank" internally, so it is assumed that his name is Hank.
Come on, you bastards! Eat flame!
Sheffield was one of the Axon Corporation scientists at the Elysium Weapons Research Facility on Hell during the mutative Araknid disaster. He was killed by araknids or a self-inflicted explosion along with at least one other unnamed person at an improvised blockade within the facility.
Sheffield is a reference to John Sheffield, modeller and animator of Legend Entertainment.
Janus was home to the Axon Corporation Polaris research base which was assaulted by Izanagi Ghost Warriors and later Liandri Angels.
Dr. Meyer
Dr. Meyer | |
Rank/Position: | Unknown |
Corporate Affiliation: | Axon Corporation |
Weapon Preference: | No preference |
First I'm gonna wring his neck, then I'm gonna shoot him, then I'm gonna kick his ass right off this rooftop.
Dr. Meyer was a scientist at the Polaris research base on Janus. Meyer was researching two Artifacts when Izanagi mercenaries discovered the facility and raided it in an effort to steal them. The mercenaries captured Meyer and tortured him while John Dalton arrived at the facility, fought his way inside, and eventually rescued Meyer in a showy entrance from a ceiling vent.
Open the goddamn door!
After a brief conversation with Dalton, Meyer agreed to hand over the artifacts after a successful escape from the facility. Meyer eventually sweet-talked his way into the locked room where the artifacts were being guarded by a Kai and recovered the artifacts, which he carried for insurance. Dalton attempted to lead Meyer out of the facility at the time, clearing the remaining Ghost Warriors inside.
Bad news. The Liandri landed and blew up the bridge. There went your yellow brick road.
The enemy-free status of the facility did not last long. Liandri Angels were sent to the facility in a second attempt to acquire the artifacts, cutting off the escape of Meyer and Dalton. Meyer realized an old, unjammable transmitter was located on the roof of the facility, and joined Dalton on the lift to the top after impatiently waiting for the outside of the building to be cleared of Liandri Angels.
Luckily, Aida had sent in a squadron of marines to assist Meyer and Dalton. Meyer knew the transmitter would take time to repair, deploy, and tune, so he allowed the soldiers present to establish a secure perimeter before beginning his work. After several waves of Angels and much back-and-forth between Meyer and Dalton, a connection was finally established with the TCA Atlantis which proceeded to land and escort Dalton and the artifacts.
Orders from Drexler say to terminate all surviving non-military personnel. Your orders are clear. He knows too much to fall into enemy hands.
Luckily for Meyer, Dalton felt a sudden wave of compassion and spared the scientist by faking a signal breakup. Meyer gave up the artifacts in exchange for his safe passage out of the base and was taken to the planet Vistula aboard the Atlantis.
Na Koja Abad
Na Koja Abad was home to an Izanagi Corporation research base.
Hanson | |
Rank/Position: | Unknown |
Corporate Affiliation: | Izanagi Corporation |
Weapon Preference: | No preference |
You're such a wuss.
Hanson was an Izanagi scientist at Na Koja Abad. He was killed during an experiment with an early form of the Drakk laser.
Sawkins | |
Rank/Position: | Unknown |
Corporate Affiliation: | Izanagi Corporation |
Weapon Preference: | No preference |
No, really. Watch this...
Sawkins was an Izanagi Corporation scientist stationed on Na Koja Abad. He was working on the Takkra weapon when it backfired upon activation and attacked him. A nearby Ghost Warrior mercenary killed Sawkins, much to the horror of the scientist he was working with, which inexplicably caused the Takkra to deactivate.
Sawkins is a reference to Martin Sawkins, the art director of Legend Entertainment.
Izanagi Ghost Warriors
Very few Ghost Warriors were named.
Shut up. Keep looking, he must be somewhere.
He's in the ceiling!
Stanley and Frank were two Izanagi Ghost Warriors guarding the Minkovsky Dam on Severnaya. Both were assaulted and killed by John Dalton in a security room.
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Frank. Weapon preference: Combat Assault Rifle. | Stanley. No weapon preference. |
Frank and Stanley's names are never given in-game. Their dialog files label them as such internally.
Na Koja Abad
Several Ghost Warriors were present guarding Na Koja Abad. Only one was indirectly named.
That you down there, Sal?
No other information about the person available. The unnamed Ghost Warrior thought that John Dalton was Sal, probably as he didn't hear about any intruders. It might be true that Sal was killed by Dalton earlier in the mission or that he was killed later by the Drakk.