Unreal / Maps / DeathMatch / DMZarkValley

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InfoMap Information

Zark Valley
February 2004
Welcome to the Valley of the Zark
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% City
80% 80% 80% 80% 80% Natural
4.5 MB


Name Release Date (est) File Name File Size
DMZarkValley 2001-05 DMZarkValley.zip 17.5 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
BLTextures.utx 2.5 MB 77de78144e67adbd9c00483cd9ea833869e87a15 6
CityTex.utx 1.2 MB 58a03339982c078310cd46904695fc1e66c28c15 147
CT4.utx 260.1 KB 2434b2c626b06dda018e35b3123cb693af805260 16
DMZarkValley.unr 1.3 MB 0d33a5cb711935588148774fd3708c51827919f0 2
NBSpecialT.utx 246.8 KB 7418df8961fad0c36cf49724d64a4f97cd6235d3 49
Sniper.utx 694.5 KB 5fd30c12a749c920ae98a3c9443d7663d5230c44 54
Strato.umx 2.0 MB b623dd5ce97170d329069cfb418acd19e9cfdc11 6

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  Assualt MISSING File is not included
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  CityTex OK File is included
  CT4 OK File is included
  Metalmys MISSING File is not included
  NBSpecials MISSING File is not included
  Slums MISSING File is not included
  Sniper OK File is included
  Strato OK File is included
  UTtech1 MISSING File is not included
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