Unreal / Maps / Capture The Flag / CTF[SP]MattelFighterJets][

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Capture The Flag
CTF [SP] Mattel Fighter Jets ][
August 2001
Stay in Formation, I'm on the leader.
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Industrial
80% 80% 80% 80% 80% City
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Natural
16.8 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
city.utx 5.6 MB e9286e731a065ac763ca36ee4faa9b849654d320 89
CTF[SP]MattelFighterJets][.unr 2.3 MB 240e7e5ac5eda1891b2abce8fc9f2ca9733b505c -
Indus5a.utx 3.0 MB 77fca4a59c4cf91c66d971bb53c0eb617d5b13bf 17
MattelFighter.utx 601.4 KB 5cf69883ea4cf916a69c58cd967013b7c954de94 -
Toys.utx 3.1 MB 45d5c44eb7d236f9b18460fe32b99150e05265be 4
UTtech1.utx 10.7 MB 0a2cc068a89391b7cde94729d2a30abd80c2274e 74

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  Assault_Dicer MISSING File is not included
  Assault_G11 MISSING File is not included
  AssaultCTF MISSING File is not included
  AssaultFighter MISSING File is not included
  AssaultM79 MISSING File is not included
  Assualt MISSING File is not included
  BatWing MISSING File is not included
  city OK File is included
  Indus5a OK File is included
  MattelFighter OK File is included
  SP_NSAv5 MISSING File is not included
  Toys OK File is included
  UTtech1 OK File is included
  Uzi MISSING File is not included
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