Unreal / Maps / Capture The Flag / CTF[SP]GangLand

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InfoMap Information

Capture The Flag
CTF [SP]Gangland][
September 2005
70% 70% 70% 70% 70% Industrial
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% City
28.9 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
city.utx 5.6 MB e9286e731a065ac763ca36ee4faa9b849654d320 89
CityTex.utx 1.2 MB 58a03339982c078310cd46904695fc1e66c28c15 147
CTF[SP]GangLand.unr 7.0 MB c2ecfd17f4803f78d513a057ace1a7ff42030423 -
Metalmys.utx 2.0 MB 2678a4d37876f212456589dcd883ab2239452ffa 29
RainFX.utx 10.9 MB d00583021fa26e3554f118e8067b76ab0e8fd849 29
Slums.utx 3.6 MB 4c4064de07786b2c007b8e27959389a082a161c7 55
UTtech1.utx 10.7 MB 0a2cc068a89391b7cde94729d2a30abd80c2274e 74

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
  Assault_G11 MISSING File is not included
  AssaultAddon MISSING File is not included
  AssaultCTF MISSING File is not included
  AssaultTommyGun MISSING File is not included
  city OK File is included
  CityTex OK File is included
  Metalmys OK File is included
  RainFX OK File is included
  RebelMac MISSING File is not included
  Slums OK File is included
  SP_NSAv5 MISSING File is not included
  UTtech1 OK File is included
  Uzi MISSING File is not included
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