Unreal / Maps / Capture The Flag / CTF-(rS)City

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InfoMap Information

Capture The Flag
May 1999
Hummmmmmmmer :)
70% 70% 70% 70% 70% Industrial
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Ancient
10.6 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
CTF-(rS)City.unr 4.9 MB c63dffba4e06e012420a273319706ea37c732218 -
EvilTruck.utx 2.0 MB 8681b42df87695846267688e34acff3354b806b7 8
HmmwvPrefab.utx 596.9 KB e3696f53e1515031e0021bc4cae82421e85d81ee 55
rS_braintrain.umx 8.8 MB 40766c546e79117f9380dcbd89a09f18db567da7 2
rsCity.utx 519.9 KB 4d325f098c871e80160214474b7f7c532c5db823 2
trashbin.utx 53.9 KB 580b2c714668ef3cc6cade8e660343a623430ce6 2

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  Botpack MISSING File is not included
  city MISSING File is not included
  EvilTruck OK File is included
  HmmwvPrefab OK File is included
  rS_braintrain OK File is included
  rsCity OK File is included
  Slums MISSING File is not included
  trashbin OK File is included
  UT MISSING File is not included
  UTtech1 MISSING File is not included
  XbpFX MISSING File is not included
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