Unreal / Map Packs / Unknown / RedeemYourSpaceII Rar340

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InfoMap Pack Information

RedeemYourSpaceII Rar340
March 2008
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Nali Temple
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Tech
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% City
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Natural
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Nali Castle
8.6 MB


Name Release Date (est) File Name File Size
RedeemYourSpaceII Rar340 2007-10 RedeemYourSpaceII_Rar340.rar 8.6 MB


Name Title Author
06Streets Exploited - Mean Streets Mr.Paci
07Sewers Exploited - Sewers Mr.Paci
08StellTown Exploited - Stell Town Mr.Paci
09Underground Exploited - Underground Skaarj Base Mr.Paci
10Queen Exploited - Way of the Salvation (some changesLeo(T.C.K.),uncredited at few other maps but nvm :P)
S2Cursed Exploited - Station of the Damned Mr.Paci
WormHole1 WormHole Mr.Paci

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
06Streets.unr 3.7 MB 8adef3efd732fb3cf52f705990a416fb9d8d3b30 2
07Sewers.unr 1.0 MB 409f426bbfd132bb50dd1016a58f83cb4830003f 2
08StellTown.unr 4.7 MB 89af202992bcf42a29e9f491e3bed9fb280217be -
09Underground.unr 3.2 MB f1586737021582ab2b00eb9a7b6e721edc42b26e 2
10Queen.unr 2.8 MB e2638987c41ed0e7643f8e2c73094ad9e5525d80 2
AmbKingPin.uax 3.0 MB a8da02237965dd3ba7c73ef704318ef53078950b 3
Citytex.utx 1.2 MB 58a03339982c078310cd46904695fc1e66c28c15 147
DoorsKingPin.uax 720.4 KB f1eaf23ab208b36c0b4b15e319849b133f35bcce 3
oldquadshot.u 613.1 KB 7c88f2dc299cf6adaf2fe114e43c2d974baafd08 15
S2Cursed.unr 1.1 MB 515d09823f74dc7850510b9c50c1c2997d773adc 2
WormHole1.unr 72.3 KB 730948ba416f1ddac6ded83666f3173da016d546 2
WoT.uax 1.9 MB 9a4252b6e365e91e2a29888f61db06e52d9ddb59 3

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  Requires Status  
  AmbKingPin OK File is included
  Citytex OK File is included
  DoorsKingPin OK File is included
  MGSkin MISSING File is not included
  RySPak MISSING File is not included
  StarGateSnd MISSING File is not included
  AmbKingPin OK File is included
  Citytex OK File is included
  DoorsKingPin OK File is included
  MGSkin MISSING File is not included
  oldquadshot OK File is included
  RySPak MISSING File is not included
  AmbKingPin OK File is included
  Citytex OK File is included
  DoorsKingPin OK File is included
  Egypt MISSING File is not included
  MGSkin MISSING File is not included
  oldquadshot OK File is included
  RySPak MISSING File is not included
  MGSkin MISSING File is not included
  oldquadshot OK File is included
  RySPak MISSING File is not included
  WoT OK File is included
  AmbKingPin OK File is included
  Citytex OK File is included
  DoorsKingPin OK File is included
  MGSkin MISSING File is not included
  oldquadshot OK File is included
  RySPak MISSING File is not included
  StarGateSnd MISSING File is not included
  AmbKingPin OK File is included
  Citytex OK File is included
  DoorsKingPin OK File is included
  MGSkin MISSING File is not included
  oldquadshot OK File is included
  WoT OK File is included
  RySPak MISSING File is not included
  StarGateSnd MISSING File is not included
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