Unreal Tournament / Packages / tfartex

Files Files

This package has multiple variations with the same name, but likely different contents. The below table lists each variation.

Click on a variation to find the release files which use each variation.

Name Type File Size SHA1 Hash Usages
Tfartex.utx TEXTURE 4.9 MB 7fbd22b5f5924838e57b60692371edd17c54b140 3
Tfartex.utx TEXTURE 4.9 MB 5838d381287daa7bf5582ddd02364131fc352a93 3

Files File

4.9 MB

Usages (3)

Type Name Author
Map DM-INF-Panzer AngelHeart
Map Pack Realmaps May2001 Mappack Zip Various
Map Pack RM2 MonthlyMaps May2001 UMOD Various

Files File

4.9 MB

Usages (3)

Type Name Author
Map CTF-BT-(UTW)World_War_II [UTW]R@m$e$
Map DM-!![zOm]!WAReiland! Unknown
Map DM-Panzer AngelHeart