Unreal Tournament / Packages / crokxdeco

Files Files

This package has multiple variations with the same name, but likely different contents. The below table lists each variation.

Click on a variation to find the release files which use each variation.

Name Type File Size SHA1 Hash Usages
CrokxDeco.u CODE 7.4 KB 102734479cbd047cb8153549e35241fe0f73890f 8
CrokxDeco.u CODE 67.9 KB 078ef9a50518af7ff19f26ae2305977162fe0505 1

Files File

7.4 KB

Usages (8)

Type Name Author
Map BR-(Apo)HallOfShadows][ Oishik "Apocalypso" Sarkar
Map CTFM-JadePyramid][ Robin 'Rob' Pamart
Map DM-EvilCathedral Doctor Evil
Map JB-AncientTitan-III Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull
Map JB-AncientTitan-III Robin 'Rob' Pamart
Map JB-AncientTitan-III Robin 'Rob' Pamart
Map JB-AncientTitanV110 Robin 'Rob' Pamart
Map JB-AncientTitanV110 Robin 'Rob' Pamart

Files File

67.9 KB

Usages (1)

Type Name Author
Map TO-UrbanBomb Christophe 'Crokx' Cros