Unreal Tournament / Packages / asgardpredator

Files Files

This package has multiple variations with the same name, but likely different contents. The below table lists each variation.

Click on a variation to find the release files which use each variation.

Name Type File Size SHA1 Hash Usages
AsgardPredator.u CODE 1.3 MB 00ce4f441b44b13a73e14858c746a295d34a29fd 9
AsgardPredator.u CODE 1.4 MB 8040148006cb10488f0d4a9fce0e3e5a09100323 1

Files File

1.3 MB

Usages (9)

Type Name Author
Map Pack MH SP Antalius Creavion
Map MH-()mG-insecthell ()mG.(Misfit)Demon
Map MH-()mG-InsectHellFinal ()mG.(Misfit)Demon
Map MH-()mG-insecthell{fixed2} ()mG.(Misfit)Demon
Map MH-()mG-insecthell{fixed3} ()mG.(Misfit)Demon
Map MH-[ASL]LKAV2FIX /\~[ASLYE|702|R]~/\
Map MH-Antalius Creavion
Map MH-Insecthell ()mG.(Misfit)Demon
Map MH-Insecthell-UM-Fix ()mG.(Misfit)Demon

Files File

1.4 MB

Usages (1)

Type Name Author
Map Pack Antalius MonsterHunt SP Creavion