Unreal Tournament / Mutators / Utseekpack4


Mutator Information

May 2001
301.1 KB


A - *Protector - Long lasting
When someone dies a handy protector often spawns. This extra long lasting version is for less populated games.
A - *Protector - Short term
When someone dies a handy protector usually spawns. This is the short lasting version for busy games.
A - * Seekers Pack *
Replaces original UT weapons with the Seekers Pack weapons. Includes all Seekers weapon mutators (but not the ones with a * such as *Fatfeed.
A - Chaos Trap
adds the CHAOS TRAP
A - FireFly Cannon
A fat flak cannon that fires seeking fireflies.
A - Grav Gun
start with a gravity gun. Use with or without the main Seekers Pack mutator.
A - Mech Mod
You can become a powerful cybermachine with the alt fire of your gun.
A - SeekerSnipers
adds seeksnipe rifles
A - Ship Launcher
start with shiplaunchers. Use with or without the main Seekers Pack mutator.

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
ChaosTrap.u 114.9 KB 5a51c6ab1a80fb698694f73c8574e42dc7ff6400 -
FFgun.u 21.6 KB 958a4bc26f815d90546f04b019a94e1804bfedcb 1
Mechmod.u 275.0 KB 47c0bd1b8da0b66c79f6008239d710fbae16a8e8 -
MyPackage.u 315.7 KB 5f788b8139690bacd88e87081f566abf0438a808 -
Protector.u 13.8 KB 36b87b60847a2d6678c4fcdbc6f8b06675dea25d -
Seekers.u 30.1 KB 2966fdc287d62537e22ad1187a7e47ce4ac7a45c -

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  Requires Status  
  FFGun OK File is included
  Mechmod OK File is included
  MyPackage OK File is included
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