Unreal Tournament / Mutators / MutatorPack04

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Mutator Information

January 2010
445.6 KB


MP - CreaturePod
Players can throw CreaturePods.
MP - DisableBaseDefence
Removes TeamCannon, MortarSpawner and BoulderSpawner from the map at game start.
MP - DisplayScriptedPawn
Counts all ScriptedPawns on the server and sends the number to the client's HUD.
MP - EasyArena
Play the game with one weapon only.
MP - EnergyArmor
Replace selected armor types with the EnergyArmor pickup.
MP - Flashlight
Players have a flashlight.
MP - GoreMutator
More gibs and blood stains in the game.
MP - LightReduction
Disables all lights in the map. Gives flashlight and flares. Configure this mutator in the mod menu.
MP - MedKit
Players can heal themselves with MedKits.
MP - MultiRadar
Players have a small radar screen in their HUD.
MP - PlayerSizeMutator
Players can change size.
MP - SkyBoxFight
If the map has a SkyBox that is big enough, players and bots are then transported there.
MP - ThreeSoundsDiffer
FireSounds of Enforcer, PulseGun and ShockRifle are changed.
MP - ThrowArmor
Players can toss away armor and jump boots.
MP - Vampire
Inflicted damage will heal instigator.
MP - WhoIsWatchingMe
Players get a message in their HUD when they are spectated by other clients.

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
MutatorPack04.u 881.7 KB 577af1eef108980cf12ffbe42db77d229e4a20f9 -

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