Unreal Tournament / Mutators / DNMutators

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Mutator Information

May 2013
628.6 KB


Name Release Date (est) File Name File Size
DNMutators 2011-02 DNMutators.zip 678.8 KB


Always Gib
You will always have the chance to gib someone upon overkill no matter how insignificant your weapon is.
Arcade Deaths
You flicker away upon dying. Just like in the 80's arcades!
Command & Conquer - Death Screams
People scream to death in ridiculously over-dramatic ways.
Critical Hit
You carry a 10% chance to deal 4x the normal damage and steal 25% of your max health back.
Death Lottery
People will randomly die for no apparent reason.
You have a slight chance to cause your opponent to turn into a rain of body parts upon overkill.
Shit fix to preserve SCUBA Gear items placed in maps.
Limited Velocity
Caps the terminal velocity of all zones to a point where fall damage is impossible.
No Gib
Gibbing is disabled, no matter how hard you try to do otherwise.
Paintball Mode
Bullets leave behind colourful paint splatter.
Starry Hits
Bloody violence is replaced by cartoon stars effects.

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
AlwaysGibMutator.u 4.2 KB ed269a6ae9f9f43e7d80f56c67f3b9b81363bfa8 2
ArcadeDeaths.u 10.4 KB ed35cc014f07fae614fa4d3326f5bf80926da453 2
CNCScreams.u 529.5 KB 0396a103250bf1726ef476d84e6fc4d6cc7d57fb 2
CriticalHitMutator.u 37.1 KB 3193373e504e514b5e7a8c897ce29c994a7a141d 2
EKGMutator.u 46.1 KB 9d90eca71832354209dd656aaed61d4dbbc0a03c 2
KeepScuba.u 2.0 KB 00b779344bf99b998faef03766c7f14ab5ad14f2 1
LimitedVelocityMutator.u 1.2 KB 2dae7ddb6d85c7c76ce9d5e0339177710e3a43ff 2
NoGibMutator.u 8.0 KB 5f229a6b9c4d668434364adc8b05ce349dd9f5dd 2
PaintballMode.u 261.9 KB df20fb7a886599cc4d36f12135b62cedd6257d4a 1
SpontaneousCombustion.u 3.0 KB 10c1ca41a0c493068e01682387e0593a5245e88a 2
StarryHits.u 8.1 KB cfcd56e177690d02b57fe9931749dfbece568af7 2

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