Unreal Tournament / Maps / Capture The Flag / CTF-XMC-NorthernLightsTitans

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InfoMap Information

Capture The Flag
Northern Lights Titans
10-12 or more
December 2008
Merry East-mas and a Happy new Mardi Gras
40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Tech
50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Natural
19.0 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
CTF-XMC-NorthernLightsTitans.unr 3.2 MB 1c8472921c888396d9935ac51b43d640d8ced2d0 -
richrig.utx 2.1 MB e2115772791315c91cdf6ab99e687d2f94e5685d 627
SGTech1.utx 7.6 MB ec01e4c9011a8cb2d08ebd12d255373f83d98fc1 456
UTDMT.u 65.6 KB 78d5d65e93f2312d7d015c4cfdd66513caca77b7 89
UTDMT.utx 63.3 KB 2510c5f58e34ec89b6602f4a152f8c3ad722bcc1 61
XmasPipe.umx 6.6 MB c6fc0ba69e3c8e36fd9c31860e07e0b821a333a1 25
Xmasstreess.utx 209.1 KB 724bd6f781b820a88edb92dc7be7c50f9a29d0b0 8

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  Xmasstreess OK File is included
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