Unreal Tournament / Maps / Capture The Flag / CTF-UTDM-Eagles


InfoMap Information

Capture The Flag
Where Eagles Dare · Redeemers
2 Titans · 3 Warlords · 8 - 16
December 2011
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Tech
50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Industrial
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% City
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Natural
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Skaarj Tech
20.0 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
aintgunna.umx 1.5 MB 849f2f574d15e61957b11ab8dc01245bdd3590a7 7
CTF-UTDM-Eagles.unr 3.0 MB beb62d06723101a8a60155eebb2565050ff0ee41 -
CTF-UTDM-Eagles2.unr 3.0 MB 92fcb0895729748d545f2c53c2299ef9c0c85054 -
CTF-UTDM-Eagles3.unr 3.0 MB 3433679f91ad72bf09ae3b09119e488d083b4285 -
DeemerFireWorks.u 572.2 KB 6180a135490acd3a44791cc102dcbb39cc4f789e 22
Mayhem.umx 935.5 KB be6b5cdebffd5b7bffc09043cc84870b498dd94e 192
Run.umx 1.6 MB 757dd335c394cb3c419b4a50bbeaf6781e137d4d 16
UKBadBoy.u 22.8 MB 7697f5d0832b7b8a65d3eca64a98c03dc3cbd5ab 37
UTDM.u 59.0 KB 1d3b6cabcc562d38d7c65f1b7477b4715845c3a8 30
UTDMT.u 65.6 KB 78d5d65e93f2312d7d015c4cfdd66513caca77b7 89

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
  aintgunna OK File is included
  UTDM OK File is included
  UTDMT OK File is included
  DeemerFireWorks OK File is included
  Mayhem OK File is included
  UTDM OK File is included
  UTDMT OK File is included
  UKBadBoy OK File is included
  UTDM OK File is included
  UTDMT OK File is included
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