Unreal Tournament / Maps / Assault / AS-Redemption][

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InfoMap Information

The Redemption of WAR
8 - 16
November 2004
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Tech
70% 70% 70% 70% 70% Industrial
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Natural
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Skaarj Tech
19.3 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
AS-Redemption][.unr 23.1 MB 127df80010832c1016bc48390309be38b812894a -
Crater.umx 875.3 KB 1e840e29828ddbd98359957c9dd5e0e551b5c967 60
FordText.utx 1.7 MB 109850139ed5f3f0478a3a5efed9c5eaa1531b8a 23
Moroset.umx 566.7 KB 735879aafeecf8796c0ee69d9bc94d9fa8781e48 64
Newmca16.umx 436.4 KB c56e21dc93d2f1a519b1d06581e189c4870d04ca 44
Newmca7.umx 865.1 KB d4244fe3a44a45eada64665a5852c6006406d8ea 20
Organic.umx 1.2 MB c2de0bb034759b749921bc1c848cd229d34b87e2 6
Redemption][Obj.utx 1.5 MB 9f627392f024e56bcb2b9dfbd42056536acfc018 -
richrig.utx 2.1 MB e2115772791315c91cdf6ab99e687d2f94e5685d 627
SGTech1.utx 7.6 MB ec01e4c9011a8cb2d08ebd12d255373f83d98fc1 456
SSColdSteel.utx 3.2 MB 4930587c29b952d568b6d7eff1dfb5102fe14d53 109
VehicleStuff.u 46.8 KB 7a79b45c8a9657f991cf73081b3379ef303b87fe -

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  Requires Status  
  AssaultBonusPack MISSING File is not included
  Crater OK File is included
  FordText OK File is included
  Moroset OK File is included
  Newmca16 OK File is included
  Newmca7 OK File is included
  Redemption][Obj OK File is included
  richrig OK File is included
  SGTech1 OK File is included
  SSColdSteel OK File is included
  VehicleStuff OK File is included
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