Unreal Tournament / Map Packs / Single Player / EXU2 OpenBeta V503 PATCH

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InfoMap Pack Information

EXU2 OpenBeta V503 PATCH
Single Player
January 2013
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Nali Temple
40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Tech
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Skaarj Crypt
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Ancient
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Natural
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Nali Castle
47.6 MB


Name Title Author
EXU2-BI00-Menu EXU2 - Batshit Insane: Hellcastle Lord Waffnuffly "War Bonnet" Letz
EXU2-BI01-Damnation EXU2 - Batshit Insane: Damnation Lord Waffnuffly & Cliff Bleszinski
EXU2-BI04-SoulStorage EXU2 - Batshit Insane: Soul Storage Lord Waffnuffly & Myscha the sled dog
EXU2-BI06-Gauntlet EXU2 - Batshit Insane: The Gauntlet of Pain Lord Waffnuffly & Shane Caudle

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
EXU.u 9.5 MB 5ca8f0362fc026625dea6b1f7219aea8725e001c -
EXU2BI.u 10.1 MB 9b1b6c95e949714644d5925b8aa2ef68db4dee6f -
EXU2-BI00-Menu.unr 22.5 MB d31ef2ea65a27d38f11cbad89ab6acceb7982480 -
EXU2-BI01-Damnation.unr 3.8 MB 71039ef5095e5752eedd0557a0499105ac9eba17 -
EXU2-BI04-SoulStorage.unr 2.6 MB c56f67a6d48d4153fb0bf5b6adc9cf05f47e51cb -
EXU2-BI06-Gauntlet.unr 6.3 MB e9a6c91b414e91105e7f2fe225f12bd669317e87 -
EXU-Textures.u 73.6 MB d03f5e93ddfe0fa988bb6adb252d7a7ed163af0e -

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
  EXU-Sounds MISSING File is not included
  EXU-Textures OK File is included
  Mier1snd MISSING File is not included
  uelite MISSING File is not included
  EXU OK File is included
  EXU-Textures OK File is included
  Oldskool MISSING File is not included
  olroot MISSING File is not included
  RMusicPlayer MISSING File is not included
  UARain MISSING File is not included
  EXU OK File is included
  EXU2BI OK File is included
  EXU2EvilizedTexes MISSING File is not included
  EXU-Textures OK File is included
  RMusicPlayer MISSING File is not included
  SGTech1 MISSING File is not included
  EXU OK File is included
  EXU2BI OK File is included
  EXU2EvilizedTexes MISSING File is not included
  EXU-Textures OK File is included
  RMusicPlayer MISSING File is not included
  EXU OK File is included
  EXU2BI OK File is included
  EXU2EvilizedTexes MISSING File is not included
  EXU-Textures OK File is included
  richrig MISSING File is not included
  RMusicPlayer MISSING File is not included
  SGTech1 MISSING File is not included
  EXU OK File is included
  EXU2BI OK File is included
  EXU2EvilizedTexes MISSING File is not included
  EXU-Sounds MISSING File is not included
  EXU-Textures OK File is included
  Nali MISSING File is not included
  RMusicPlayer MISSING File is not included
  SpaceMarines MISSING File is not included
  Unreal4 MISSING File is not included
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