Unreal Tournament / Map Packs / Mixed / Cwl Maptestingpack Wk105

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InfoMap Pack Information

Cwl Maptestingpack Wk105
March 2002
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Nali Temple
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Tech
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Industrial
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Ancient
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% City
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Natural
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Nali Castle
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Skaarj Tech
6.1 MB


Name Title Author
CTF-Fusion FUSION Charles "Slain" Yakish
CTF-LightHeaded-JoltEdition CTF-LightHeaded-JoltEdition Josh Tyrell - Modified by Marc 'Coma' Webb
CTF-Reflexion_vF CTF-Reflexion Metoch and H04X
CTF-RevengeOfCoret Revenge Of Coret EpsCylonB
CTF-w00tNoxX W00t NoxX Bloodwar
DM-FoT-Metalwrath Metalwrath Underwater Station Aalexanderrr
DOM-Nitro Nitro Dominating Facility 'Ebolt' (Dominated By: JiveTurkey)

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
CTF-Fusion.unr 4.0 MB 894f10e46a496eb09e0fa0b1e631070634708a21 4
CTF-LightHeaded-JoltEdition.unr 2.1 MB 8700c2e8e714bb626fc9ca3e659d995769b26ec5 1
CTF-Reflexion_vF.unr 1.5 MB 2afcf6be7179cbb761aa093df76d6592b53367e5 1
CTF-RevengeOfCoret.unr 2.7 MB 1325cf15157a0d41f97fce0925cfb1698e2a0aa7 1
CTF-w00tNoxX.unr 737.8 KB 510e37a386a2c472962989a8d7e97265df8e1c55 3
DM-FoT-Metalwrath.unr 5.0 MB 6c3a21e8bc763687d98701badd7256e5d7ed773e 3
DOM-Nitro.unr 1.4 MB d1ae56c6d13c546b2437de2845b08c35f90e3198 1
extremebases.utx 175.0 KB b17692758e440e9efcd089d119f88d64549534a4 5
joltlogos.utx 173.5 KB f20f8a96d1512089a2bcc3bac86657e9d51759c0 13
Warlord.umx 643.3 KB 1b5dacdd176353dd969a517a5cf1d2e8a22166b8 143

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