Unreal Tournament / Map Packs / Jailbreak / Jailbreakiii Goldmaps Zip

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InfoMap Pack Information

Jailbreakiii Goldmaps Zip
August 2002
40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Industrial
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Ancient
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% City
40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Skaarj Tech
25.2 MB


Name Title Author
JB-Alcatraz Alcatraz David 'DavidM' Münnich
JB-Basmma Basmma Daniel 'MClane' Pflugbeil
JB-Complex The JailBreak Complex Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull
JB-Furia Furia Emil 'Hyperion' Attlid
JB-Grudge The Grudge Eric "SnowDog" Ettes
JB-Nifam No Idea for a Mapname David 'DavidM' Münnich
JB-Pharynx Pharynx Alexander Lehmann
JB-Raid-Gold The Raid Sjoerd ''Hourences'' De Jong
JB-Talaeron-Gold Talaëron Eric "SnowDog" Ettes

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
JB-Alcatraz.unr 11.4 MB 649ddc9daf5c60f956d9b27db5f8af23d32fcc31 4
JB-Basmma.unr 3.8 MB 05fd118ef96e34832b441af0669baf89a0a62ff7 6
JB-Complex.unr 9.3 MB 75c892c06eb35c0e8578971d8651e4a956c8a01b 6
JB-Furia.unr 3.2 MB 0741673429fd1cc8dc29bf9f78da95cf64060e24 5
JB-Grudge.unr 9.8 MB f6e97006873b67cdc2b42fb54146efe1de304f29 5
JB-Nifam.unr 4.0 MB 04083bde35c30f6e73a351a5d050dfbab1df041c 4
JB-Pharynx.unr 3.7 MB 695d69d4c0627d045fd2067d221b526ea4672b9d 5
JB-Raid-Gold.unr 6.6 MB 3162297d6f2052583c261e3e9bb696f1e89195c4 5
JB-Talaeron-Gold.unr 12.6 MB 1283b237c66bc056898bef386c1d8da62ef1eed8 5
richrig.utx 2.1 MB e2115772791315c91cdf6ab99e687d2f94e5685d 627

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
  JailBreak MISSING File is not included
  JBArena MISSING File is not included
  richrig OK File is included
  Screen MISSING File is not included
  ScriptedScreen MISSING File is not included
  JailBreak MISSING File is not included
  JBSpecials MISSING File is not included
  Jailbreak MISSING File is not included
  JBArena MISSING File is not included
  JailBreak MISSING File is not included
  JB-AF-Pack-1 MISSING File is not included
  JBArena MISSING File is not included
  JBSpecials MISSING File is not included
  JailBreak MISSING File is not included
  JBArena MISSING File is not included
  JBSpecials MISSING File is not included
  JailBreak MISSING File is not included
  richrig OK File is included
  Screen MISSING File is not included
  JailBreak MISSING File is not included
  JailBreak MISSING File is not included
  JBArena MISSING File is not included
  JBSpecials MISSING File is not included
  richrig OK File is included
  JailBreak MISSING File is not included
  JBArena MISSING File is not included
  JBSpecials MISSING File is not included
  Screen MISSING File is not included
  ScriptedScreen MISSING File is not included
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