Unreal Tournament / Map Packs / ChaosUT / Chaosut Gotymappack

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InfoMap Pack Information

Chaosut Gotymappack
April 2002
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Nali Temple
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Skaarj Crypt
50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Industrial
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Ancient
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Egyptian
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Nali Castle
9.1 MB


Name Release Date (est) File Name File Size
Chaosut Gotymappack 2002-04 chaosut_gotymappack.rar 7.6 MB


Name Title Author
CTF-CUT_ChaosCastle-pf Chaoscastles BadKarma
CTF-CUT_Horus the Temple of Horus (for ChaosUT) Arjan Vroegop a.k.a. Evil Atje
DM-CUT_Eclipse Biodome Eclipse for ChaosUT Eric "SnowDog" Ettes
DM-CUT_Proxyking The Proxy King for ChaosUT ver 2.0 JEZZ from (Chaotic Dreams)
DM-CUT_SkullMoon Skull Moon Castle Jezz (of Chaoticdreams)
DM-CUT_StorageAlpha Storage Depot ALPHA JEZZ (of ChaoticDreams)
DM-CUT_TheBellTolls ChaosUT - For Whom The Bell Tolls Peter "Clay" Nederlof
DM-CUT_WeaponsOfChaos Weapons of Chaos : Second Offence for ChaosUT Eric "SnowDog" Ettes
DM-CUT_WeaponsOfWar Weapons of War for ChaosUT Eric "SnowDog" Ettes

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
chaosut_gotymappack.umod 26.4 MB ccd15c8ab32609e33a8a1379981b7e22af32b91c 2
CTF-CUT_ChaosCastle-pf.unr 5.4 MB 7032180a30cbb8652ab8f884075676f651daac38 4
CTF-CUT_Horus.unr 7.1 MB 5aa1eba89bd917d84c3eac53c8e7d58d57a29dd1 4
DM-CUT_Eclipse.unr 920.2 KB 7f28aec1c163458f5d2379e55710439e1bb6a6a4 3
DM-CUT_Proxyking.unr 1.6 MB a6d3964a67046d744a9f5dcf26b4867e429d18d1 3
DM-CUT_SkullMoon.unr 3.0 MB 41606089627ac234542c7642dd8d0b63eeece30e 5
DM-CUT_StorageAlpha.unr 1.9 MB a7eca461ba683d539284a233e4d09632b990a500 3
DM-CUT_TheBellTolls.unr 1.8 MB 9bb25389ca6606fc7b0136ce440d09f39f004620 4
DM-CUT_WeaponsOfChaos.unr 1.9 MB 6c86e5444007f8a79eb5c1ccf4b5aff0a8cf756a 3
DM-CUT_WeaponsOfWar.unr 1.1 MB bbc0d2708b5c95e1e81205bdb4a6acc7c1ffa473 3
JezzTex.utx 988.5 KB 8e8ee941c55d0d2a55fc2833f981433a76663a91 8
Jezztex2.utx 538.5 KB 64014b1490be10a0a397fdc2ce94a82bdc207f2c 13
SnowDog.utx 195.8 KB a7742f0092ce70b6fdc39ab56c3a643ab9c36ce7 6

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  UTChaosMap MISSING File is not included
  UTChaosMap MISSING File is not included
  ChaosUT MISSING File is not included
  SnowDog OK File is included
  UTChaosMap MISSING File is not included
  ChaosUT MISSING File is not included
  ChaosUTMedia1 MISSING File is not included
  JezzTex OK File is included
  UTChaosMap MISSING File is not included
  ChaosUT MISSING File is not included
  UTChaosMap MISSING File is not included
  ChaosUT MISSING File is not included
  Jezztex2 OK File is included
  UTChaosMap MISSING File is not included
  ChaosUT MISSING File is not included
  UTChaosMap MISSING File is not included
  ChaosUT MISSING File is not included
  SnowDog OK File is included
  UTChaosMap MISSING File is not included
  ChaosUT MISSING File is not included
  SnowDog OK File is included
  UTChaosMap MISSING File is not included
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