Unreal Tournament 3 / Mutators / Resistance

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InfoMutator Information

Replaces UDamage and Berserk with Resistance. Resistance protects you from knockdowns and falling damage, plus regenerating your shield.
December 2011
6.2 MB


Replaces UDamage and Berserk with Resistance. Resistance protects you from knockdowns and falling damage, plus regenerating your shield.
N-02 Diffusion Shock Rifle
Diffusion Shock Rifle is a modification of the stock weapon, to an edge in tournament competition. Each discharge of this weapon stuns your opponents for a second, enough for both offensive and defensive purposes. Additionally, Necris tech have enabled the ASMD core of this weapon to boost by three different condense levels: 1, 4, 16. Level.4 Core deals 4 times more damage, which is suitable for instant gibbing after knocking your opponents down with Level.1 Core. The highest condense level is Level.16.
N-04 Catalyst
Necris Quad-Catalyst Hammer is an implementation of ASMD Tech. This Hammer spits out catalyst projectiles at a rate of 240/min. Upon contact with any surface or flesh, the projectiles then will emit high-voltage catalyst currents which will rip anything apart.
N-09 Regulator
Necris 9-Core Goliath Hammer "Regulator" is a portable implementation of Axon Goliath. Using high-density antimatters, it became possible to achieve enough impulse to propel the uranium shells, which will explode with matter-antimatter cancellation. Furthermore, this neutralizing blast have been found to be able to break through Nanoblack-based defenses, such as the Invulnerability Protection Device. Soon after its introduction, many combatants inquired of a scope be attached to this dead-accurate Goliath Hammer. Later it was nicknamed "Regulator", after the invincibility of highland campers wielding this N-09.
N-16 Singularity
Necris 16-Core Singularity Hammer was originally intended to be equipped on a Necris vehicle prototype. While testing their new tech, Phayder Corporation found out that the quantum accelerator units were reacting with Nanoblack energy, destablizing nearby spacetime continuum. The optimized product with this discovery, N-16 Singularity can generate unstable rifts which will be a significant threat to the wielder himself and his opponents.
N-42 Infinity
Infinity, the last superweapon you'll ever need, grants you the power to remove your opponents from competition. After stocking this weapon with full ammo, press AltFire to WIN.

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
Hammer.u 160.7 KB 972d3f8ad69defa6bd5df7337dbe951745cbd236 -
WP_Hammer.upk 9.3 MB 0bc7360e18064d159a0f68e7842ab58afd416219 -

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