Unreal Tournament 3 / Mutators / Oversizer Device

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Mutator Information

Oversizer Device
Enables players grows in size while they do a carnage with it.
June 2022
15.0 MB
Oversizer Device 1.4.zip


Oversizer Device
Enables players grows in size while they do a carnage with it.
It is just the regular Stinger Minigun, but the Tarydium Crystals enters in a energy reaction when used in conjunction with the Oversizer Device.
Another weapon that gets affected by the Oversizer Device, the Link Gun seems to stay in its powered mode while used by Titans.
A very enhanced version of the original Enforcer, this weapon seems to be held only by Titans.
The ASMD Shock Rifle have a misterious energy reaction when the Oversizer Device tries expand this weapon more than 2 times its original size, the plasma ball fired by it explodes in a massive radius ignoring everyone's armor including vehicles, and causes all other balls near the one that exploded, a kind of Skymine-Combo, also if the ball simply hits something without exploding it with the photon beam, it explodes anyway but in a smaller form.

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
ResizeSND.upk 10.5 MB 717f49c446062b8273b84ab1fde9602dcb37f626 -
ResizeSND.upk 13.0 MB 7d008461e6a9a01028a6f426af4960ab8ffce5ac -
UTResize.u 1.1 MB 74cf6490a844b62a8d2b3a5e540321b84bb9a445 -
UTResize.u 1.1 MB cc779b5776355e96f5255a0d2933f5b8dcb75cb6 -

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