Unreal Tournament 3 / Mutators / Hacker - Replace Impact Hammer

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Hacker - Replace Impact Hammer
Replaces the Impact Hammer with the Hacker. Version 2. - http://fraghouse.beyondunreal.com
August 2008
498.3 KB


Hacker - Replace Impact Hammer
Replaces the Impact Hammer with the Hacker. Version 2. - http://fraghouse.beyondunreal.com
Designed as a reinstatement of a blade-based melee weapon for the Tournament, the Liandri Hacker is a durable tarydium-powered mining tool that can cut through tough materials with little to no resistance, including flesh. Primary fire initialises the high-speed circular saw, whereas secondary fire engages the rubble-clearing electrical discharge, which is powerful enough to launch vehicles around and destroy them in two or three hits.

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
Hacker.u 57.3 KB 15a7858979405e7bfc95a48003f23d73d51de3fe -
HackerResources.upk 1.2 MB 67bf6267b11b5436bbbc9f5690980b1648c945eb 1

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