Unreal Tournament 3 / Mutators / GinMon RuneStorm V01

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GinMon RuneStorm V01
The GinMon-RuneStorm script is a monster addon for Galtanors Invasion game type for UT3. The package includes the following 21 monsters based on the models made by RuneStorm. All monsters are melee monsters which will rip the flesh from players bones by their bare hands. They usually come in hordes running all over you ... try to keep your pace :)
March 2013
48.1 KB



FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
GinMon-RuneStorm.u 377.1 KB 082e62aaa69be5083bbbb6669bbce0b957a14641 -

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
  CH_Cx_Skeleton MISSING File is not included
  CH_Cx_Zombie MISSING File is not included
  DavisionsNinjaBunny MISSING File is not included
  Family_RS_Skeleton MISSING File is not included
  Family_RS_ZOMBIE MISSING File is not included
  GaltanorsInvasion MISSING File is not included
  GinMon-SMITE MISSING File is not included
  GinMonSmiteFX MISSING File is not included
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