Unreal Tournament 3 / Mutators / Freeze Ray

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InfoMutator Information

Freeze Ray
Replaces Shock Rifle with a modified Shock Rifle which freezes enemies. This new Shock Rifle is known as the Freeze Ray.
February 2008
27.0 KB


Freeze Ray
Replaces Shock Rifle with a modified Shock Rifle which freezes enemies. This new Shock Rifle is known as the Freeze Ray.
Freeze Ray
The Freeze Ray will freeze enemies in their place momentarely. Freeze enemies with either Fire Mode. Primary has a faster fire rate but does not freeze the enemy fully. Secondary has a slower fire rate and freezes the enemy fully with one blast. Over time the enemies thaw themselves out so keep them frozen with the Freeze Ray. Tip: Use Secondary to freeze then keep frozen with Primary.

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
FreezeRayContent.upk 30.4 KB 264cc03fbe4775aa887feb543573372632278d9e -
Weapon_FreezeRay.u 60.7 KB 49058e4ee8bae6612bad37f476a405b49d1ccfed -

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