Unreal Tournament 3 / Mutators / EliteMachines_XV -= Configurable =-

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EliteMachines_XV -= Configurable =-
Caution: This Weapon/Mutator Pack may be overwhelming. However, It is fully customizable enough to have the perfect balance of Power or timidness.
November 2008
11.7 MB


EliteMachines_XV -= Configurable =-
Caution: This Weapon/Mutator Pack may be overwhelming. However, It is fully customizable enough to have the perfect balance of Power or timidness.
Elite_Weapon_Do Not Replace
SuperClass for several of the Elite Weapons in this pack. This weapon is not used. What is it even doing here?/
Elite Bio Rifle
Iron Guard requested a unique style of Bio Rifle Ammo. They wanted the hazardous waste projected to be encased into a single glass bullet. So, They modified the trigger function to allow for a further projection by means of air pressure. Bio Waste has the ability to damage you over time.
Elite Enforcer
Well the AXON have outdone themselves yet again. This new toy is sure to bring CHAOS on the battlefield.
Elite Impact Hammer
The modern capabilities of the Impact Hammer has just overcome 'Leaps' and 'Bounds'.
Elite Insta-Gib
Purchased mostly by the Krall from the Black Legion, Not only is the weapon light weight and battle hardened, But comes in 2 versions. One for snipers with adjustable zoom and one for the Combo Killers.
Elite Lucifer Gun
While similar to the Link gun, Lucifer Gun orgin and capabilities are unknown. They just started showing up on the black market receintly.
Elite R.L. BFG
ThunderCrash has always favored the 'Rocket Launcher' and is always under new development. While many productions have never made it to the field, Malcolm was pleased with this dual equipable version.
Elite Stinger
Developed by the Necris, The Black Legion favors this new beauty. They are anxious to put the new ammo to use and test it on the battlefield.
Elite Tiger Rifle
Another favored weapon by Team Ronin. With this Rifles quiet stealthyness and camo casings, Bishop Pronounced this weapon to be light weight enough to carry 2 at a time.
Goliath Cannon
Developed by Team Ronin, the Goliath Cannon brought the ultimate power from the Goliath Tank to a mobile, yet heavy tool.
Redeem M@chine
In persuit of destroying the Necris, Laindri Robot Corporation were complaining the standard Redeemer was 'Big' and 'Bulky. They requested a more versitile and stealthy 'Sniper Style' Redeemer for mas destruction.
!!! Bloodbath !!!

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
EliteMachines_Content_XV.upk 16.0 MB fe0a974531e1e1f7272124d0856343cb7205e60c -
EliteMachines_XV.u 730.5 KB 016a07af34d03595fdf9a68356142f39c97f4d0c -
UI_Scenes_EliteMachines_XV.upk 2.2 MB 100357edbde489e31316ba86641d7c5012a312a0 -

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  EliteMachines_Content_XV OK File is included
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