Unreal Tournament 3 / Mutators / BattleRPG V10.2

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InfoMutator Information

BattleRPG V10.2
With BattleRPG each player gets a persistent level and persistent experience. This means the server keeps a database and remembers your achievements permanently. For each point you score you get experience, if you have enough experience you go to the next level: * The first 25 levels are very easy to get players to learn how RPG works * Reaching level 80 requires some serious playing but is doable * Level 100 is tougher to reach * Over level 100 it becomes hard * Over level 110 it becomes extremely hard Besides experience and levels you also collect Mana. Mana is not persisent, if you leave the server you lose your Mana. Mana can be used for artifacts and for the Ultra GIB and Quantum weapon magic. For each level you get some RPG$. With those RPG$ you can buy abilities. You can press the L button to open the BattleRPG menu and start buying (or selling) abilities. Examples of abilities are 'Health bonus', 'Weapon speed', 'Vampirism' and 'Quick foot'. BattleRPG also has magic weapons. Examples of magic are 'Quantum', 'Bounce', 'Knockback' and 'Ultra GIB'. BattleRPG also has artifacts. Examples of artifacts are 'God Mode', 'Spiderpig' and 'Mana Gambling'.
June 2009
14.6 MB


Name Release Date (est) File Name File Size
BattleRPG 2007-12-09 BattleRPG_P1.zip 255.1 KB


Always Dualies
Always give players dual enforcer to start with.
BattleRPG adds RPG to UT3
Connection Logger
Keeps a log of all players that connect to your server as well as their IP addresses and unique ids.
Instagib Arena
All players get only an instagib rifle.
Map Specific Settings
Allow you to customize game settings at various levels by game type, map type, and specific maps. You can override values at any level and even specify additional mutators!
Open Vehicles
Unlocks all vehicles on a map so any team can grab them.
Weapon Arena
Specify what weapons players start with and what to do with the weapons in the level.

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
BattleRPG.u 677.7 KB 3bd683068ac89b84d2e544da648383ae9cbd239d -
BattleRPG.u 680.4 KB 7cb26ecaac532219d2234c2717afa17a37e1a294 -
BattleRPG.u 650.2 KB e902cc32fa33a65b4c60e2243327c7bb7cc5514a -
BattleRPGContent.upk 3.6 MB 97efe64b223abd1ae51be0fc681e74f106cc62df -
CH_DHRodents_GICH.upk 9.7 MB 83d22f1cd32193a7a5d85110193e47efaa15ab62 -
GaltanorsInvasion.u 626.4 KB ebf5d581fef53d6a8ed1b722bc2212f1f1ea5649 -
GaltanorsInvasionContent.upk 6.5 MB 6c9eaa02db41afd6c2a6d3ee76f925489800b956 -
UTGamePlus.u 783.9 KB fe178d753c9683e02d3a1e0c3159bd4c85e85178 -
UTGamePlusContent.upk 634.0 KB 90ab3898a54b0187b677b0f81c4dcf678c856519 -

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  BattleRPGContent OK File is included
  UTGamePlus OK File is included
  CH_DHRodents_GICH OK File is included
  GaltanorsInvasionContent OK File is included
  UTGamePlusContent OK File is included
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