Unreal Tournament 3 / Maps / The Haunted / TH-LightHouse

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InfoMap Information

The Haunted
2 to 8
August 2009
They have cometh to take the lighthouse, the village, and your soul. so you have 2 choices!.......run like a little scary cat , or make a stand and defend whats yours(what ever that is ).are you tough enough?do you have what it takes?..... Freeeeeddooomm!......j/k i had notting better to write lol, enjoy the map ;)
57.4 MB

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Name Size Hash Also In
TH-LightHouse.ut3 74.6 MB 595767050ce56adbbfb848906f608e7de9559490 -

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  HauntedGame MISSING File is not included
  TH_BaseMaterials MISSING File is not included
  TH_Beast MISSING File is not included
  TH_Char_BaseMat MISSING File is not included
  TH_Destructables1 MISSING File is not included
  TH_EnvMaterials1 MISSING File is not included
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  TH_EnvMaterials4 MISSING File is not included
  TH_Foliage1 MISSING File is not included
  TH_GhostTown MISSING File is not included
  TH_GraveyardMesh MISSING File is not included
  TH_GraveyardMesh2 MISSING File is not included
  TH_Hangman MISSING File is not included
  TH_Prop_Set1 MISSING File is not included
  TH_Prop_Set2 MISSING File is not included
  TH_Prop_Set3 MISSING File is not included
  TH_Prop_Set4 MISSING File is not included
  TH_Prop_Set5 MISSING File is not included
  TH_Sounds_Ambient MISSING File is not included
  TH_Terrains2 MISSING File is not included
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