Unreal Tournament 3 / Maps / 1 on 1 / DM-1on1-Disturbed

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InfoMap Information

1 on 1
2 to 6
September 2008
Within a great city, this small lab was used to test chemicals to make plants grow faster and to let them live longer. Ofcourse, the espirement went wrong andthe plants grew over half the lab leaving just a small area accessible to the public. The plants have been contained by th eliandri who purchased this lab for the tournament. What will happen when the way of life has been Disturbed?
12.8 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
DM-1on1-Disturbed_LOC_int.upk 12.7 MB a16389957557b455c8cf2ea5bf8e6ee9ef687211 -
DM-1on1-Disturbed.ut3 12.7 MB a2a532baf3c40d3d98b275cf39fb544a0b0a318f -

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