YM Jetpack
YM Jetpack - All human players start off with a jetpack. The jetpack is turned on/off with the Inventory Activate key, pressing jump will boost the player. The jetpack's energy level automatically recharges while it is turned off. Use the mutator options to configure how fast the jetpack fuel is burned while boosting, toggle whether jumping alone will turn the jet pack on and off, and which type of jetpack will be used.
by Meowcat, high-resolution orange skin by Aberiu
Revision 4, 14 Jan 2015
by Meowcat, high-resolution orange skin by Aberiu
Revision 4, 14 Jan 2015
Packaged Files
Name | Size | Hash | Also In |
ym_Jetpack.u | 2.0 MB | b1a3718c90812bb77fe705ed5587e9701f29ebb2 | 1 |