Unreal Tournament 2004 / Mutators / WeaponsofEvil

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Mutator Information

September 2018
6.6 MB


Weapons of Evil
Replace the standard UT2004 weapons with WoE weapons.
Weapons of Evil: Inventory
Replace the standard UT2004 pickups with WoE pickups.
Weapons of Evil: Sentinel
Gives the Sentinel Deployer as a default weapon and replaces various power-ups with Sentinel Deployer ammo.
Weapons of Evil Arena
Start with one or more WoE weapons with unlimited ammo and optionally remove all pickups.
The CFX primary-fire launches dart-like projectiles that will attach themselves to any fleshy target (luckily they also work on robots and Juggernaut armour) but will bounce off of walls and floors. These projectiles are the first practical application of a new technology know as the 'Electromagnetic Field Attenuator' which is capable of disrupting the chemical bonds between atoms, causing the matter to literally fall apart. Because of the unstable nature of this technology, each projectile can have only a limited effect when detonated using the weapons alt-fire, but multiple projectiles (up to ten at once) attached to the same target will interact with each other, doing exponentially more damage. If enough damage is caused to totally disrupt the whole target, the release of energy will be so great as to cause a sizable explosion.
The Crispe is the result of the combination of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and traditional laser technology. Whereas lasers are severely limited for atmospheric use by the fact that air absorbs most of the photons before the target is reached, the Crispe employs the latest in electromagnetic field technology to create a phase-coherent beam of electrons, which are accelerated to 99.51% of the speed of light and thus take on wave-like properties (hence 'Crispe', from Cathode Ray Induction by Stimulated Particle Emission). We understand the importance of a tactically flexible weapon, so a torch (flashlight for all you North Americans) has been incorporated as the weapon's secondary fire, after all, you can only hit what you can see! For ease of use, the Crispe can be powered from any standard CC2 size battery, although we recommend that you use genuine CrispeCell batteries for maximum battery life.
A perennial favourite with pyromaniacs everywhere, the FireChucker is the ultimate close support weapon. Primary fire is a standard flamethrower, capable of spewing burning death to a range of 40m. Secondary fire compresses fuel to be hurled as a ball of fire of variable size which will explode on impact. Because electronic systems are prone to EMP, it uses a low-tech pilot-light for ignition and is almost entirely mechanical in operation. This makes it heavy, but very robust and 100% reliable in the face of nuclear and electromagnetic based weapons.
Fyrian Cannon
The Fyrian Cannon represents the very pinnacle of kinetic weapons technology, firing caseless 15mm ammunition at up to 900 rounds per minute. It is surprisingly light and easy to handle despite its large size, thanks to its unique hollow-walled construction and perfect balance. It features dual-speed motorized barrels for optimum flexibility. At the standard speed setting it fires at a conservative 540 rounds per minute, sustainable for prolonged periods of time. At the high speed setting you get the full 900 rounds per minute, with the additional bonus that the high temperatures generated at top speed increase the damage potential of the bullets. To prevent damage to the weapon, it will automatically shut down if the temperature exceeds the maximum safe operating level. It will reactivate as soon as it has cooled sufficiently
Originally developed as an anti-aircraft weapon, the Helios uses a revolutionary new form of micro-fusion reactor to produce large quantities of both neutrons and gamma rays, which are collected in a reflection chamber to be columnated and accelerated out of the barrel with a linear accelerator. This beam of radiation is so energetic that it can compress and heat even the very air to such a degree that spontaneous nuclear fusion occurs, leaving a trail of what are literally miniature stars in its wake. It takes two seconds to fully recharge after each shot, but the Helios may be re-fired before that at a reduced power output if required.
The mechanism behind this weapon's operation was discovered quite by accident. At its heart resides a crystal of indeterminate composition, which alters a low-intensity light shone through it in a manner which has stumped our scientists. The resulting beam of altered light is capable of literally sucking the life out of living organisms (strangely it also affects robots, but not plants) and returning it back up the beam, where travels back through the crystal and is infused into the wielder, actually healing wounds and making hair shiny and healthy-looking.

Furthermore, if the applied beam of light is of a particular wavelength, the effect changes slightly so that it leeches certain chemicals instead. This is particularly useful in the Tournament as it works with the special adrenaline used by competitors.
PepperPot rockets are like bees: A single bee (or rocket in this case) is but a minor distraction, but a whole swarm of them can take down an enemy many thousands of times their size. Nine rockets can be launched simultaneously, which left to themselves will simply carry on in a straight line, as rockets like to do. However the PepperPot also comes with a dart gun which fires a dart fitted with a homing beacon. The rockets will automatically pick up the signal and home in on it with remarkable agility.
Personal Ion Cannon
There were those who said it was impossible - that an Ion Cannon could never be made small enough for personal use, but once again it has been proved that anything is possible. The combination of newly developed lightweight composite materials and cutting-edge energy storage technology, brings instant destruction of the highest magnitude to your fingertips. The PIC is in no way inferior to its orbital counterpart, delivering the same 2TW of power to the same devastating effect. It comes complete with variable zoom scope, self-adjusting shoulder rest and a smart carry-case. Ion Cannon are very sensitive to movement whilst firing. To prevent disruption, the PIC uses a gravitational stabilizer to hold itself and the wielder perfectly still during the firing sequence.
Repair Gun
Repair Gun

TODO: Add a description.
Sentinel Deployer
Used to deploy, upgrade, retrieve, repair and sabotage Sentinels.
The Soar is a version of the military OAR-1 assault rifle, with a reduced power output for Tournament use. It is designed as an alternative to the standard Assault Rifle supplied to all Tournament competitors. Primary fire is a low-power pulse-laser. Secondary fire launches plasma grenades that detonate on impact. Note that the grenade launcher operates completely independently of the primary fire, allowing both to be triggered simultaneously if required.
The Steorra is an enhanced version of the Helios featuring a larger, more efficient reflection chamber and a higher power accelerator.
Transdimensional Disturber
The Transdimensional Disturber is one of the most powerful, and esoteric weapons that Evil Corp. has ever produced. It uses state-of-the-art quantum optics to produce enough negative energy to form a small wormhole. A wormhole in itself can be enormously destructive, but there is an extra quirk that comes from careful manipulation of the quantity and spectral content of the negative energy, which allows this wormhole to be linked to a very specific point in what is assumed to be a parallel universe. By an as yet undetermined mechanism, certain forms of directed energy passed through the wormhole are vastly magnified and reflected back very accurately at the closest humanoid. Such a beam is created by the weapon's secondary fire.

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
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WoE_Inventory_Textures.utx 1.2 MB f1ed62d156b425f5b4e9f723a2066b36b772ab2a 4
WoE_Inventory.u 120.6 KB 73b8ed7dffa8f95587369ddde77ed2e8a7e48bd4 4
WoE_Sentinel_Animations.ukx 441.3 KB 40760b1f1d0ba60ed2932345d51959eaf5dee07b 4
WoE_Sentinel_Sounds.uax 352.6 KB 3f6249f62a0a382206bd3147d91551e0754ad5c7 4
WoE_Sentinel_StaticMeshes.usx 92.7 KB 690fde204193e22b9a6d0f96fe9f0f76d554d21f 4
WoE_Sentinel_Textures.utx 955.1 KB a36d2efdeb9152fa55d715deef0c9fa409d61694 4
WoE_Sentinel.u 211.9 KB dfd2bfc5f5ffdc8946739f1ae880d14126060a16 4
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WoE_Weapons_Sounds.uax 771.6 KB 68ec2e481e746ceacea4e60e3ad259ea0940d3b2 4
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Required Files

  Requires Status  
  WoE_Effects_Sounds OK File is included
  WoE_Effects_Textures OK File is included
  WoE_Sentinel_Sounds OK File is included
  WoE_Sentinel_Textures OK File is included
  WoE_Weapons_Sounds OK File is included
  WoE_Weapons_StaticMeshes OK File is included
  WoE_Weapons_Textures OK File is included
  WoE_Inventory_Textures OK File is included
  WoE_Inventory_Textures OK File is included
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  WoE_Inventory_Sounds OK File is included
  WoE_Inventory_StaticMeshes OK File is included
  WoE_Inventory_Textures OK File is included
  WoE_Sentinel OK File is included
  WoE_Sentinel_Sounds OK File is included
  WoE_Sentinel_Textures OK File is included
  WoE_Weapons OK File is included
  WoE_Sentinel_Textures OK File is included
  WoE_Weapons_Textures OK File is included
  WoE_Sentinel_Textures OK File is included
  WoE_Effects OK File is included
  WoE_Sentinel_Animations OK File is included
  WoE_Sentinel_Sounds OK File is included
  WoE_Sentinel_StaticMeshes OK File is included
  WoE_Sentinel_Textures OK File is included
  WoE_Weapons OK File is included
  WoE_Weapons_Sounds OK File is included
  WoE_Weapons_Textures OK File is included
  WoE_Weapons_Textures OK File is included
  WoE_Effects OK File is included
  WoE_Weapons_Animations OK File is included
  WoE_Weapons_Sounds OK File is included
  WoE_Weapons_StaticMeshes OK File is included
  WoE_Weapons_Textures OK File is included
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