Unreal Tournament 2004 / Mutators / Tactical Shadows

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Mutator Information

Tactical Shadows
After the polar opposite to Bright Skins? Tactical Shadows reduces the garish, tacky glow and excessive lighting on the player models making them blend far more easily into the lighting whilst also bringing back the tactical gameplay of hiding in shadows to avoid or surprise enemies. - http://fraghouse.beyondunreal.com
January 2006
5.1 KB


Name Release Date (est) File Name File Size
Tactical Shadows 2005-10 2k4_tacticalshadows.zip 2.9 KB


Tactical Shadows
After the polar opposite to Bright Skins? Tactical Shadows reduces the garish, tacky glow and excessive lighting on the player models making them blend far more easily into the lighting whilst also bringing back the tactical gameplay of hiding in shadows to avoid or surprise enemies. - http://fraghouse.beyondunreal.com

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
TacticalShadows.u 7.9 KB d2eedd494f87a0ce2887f2be96fbf7608850f97d -

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