Unreal Tournament 2004 / Mutators / SoulRage Audio Mod v1.0

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Mutator Information

SoulRage Audio Mod v1.0
SoulRage Audio Mod v1.0
January 2009
17.6 MB


SoulRage Audio Mod v1.0
SoulRage Audio Mod v1.0
Soul's Assault Rifle
Soul's Assault Rifle
Soul's Avril
Soul's Avril!!
Soul's Bio-Rifle
Soul's Bio Rifle!
Soul's Flak Cannon
Soul's Flak Cannon!!
Soul's Ion Painter
Soul's Ion Painter!!
Soul's Lightning Gun
Soul's Lightning GUN!!!!!!
Soul's Link Gun
Riordan Dynamic Weapon Systems combines the best of weapon design in the Advanced Plasma Rifle v23, commonly known as the Link Gun.
While the primary firing mode of the Link remains the same as its plasma-firing predecessor, the secondary cutting torch has been replaced with a switchable energy matrix. Upon contacting a teammate, it converts to a harmless carrier stream, offloading energy from the onboard cells to boost the output of any targeted player also using the Link.
It should be noted that while players are boosting a teammate, they are unable to defend themselves from attack.
Soul's Mine Layer
Soul's Spider Mine Layer!!
Soul's MiniGun
Soul's MiniGun
Soul's Redeemer
Soul's Redeemer!!
Soul's Rocket Launcher
Souls Rocket Launcher!!!
Soul's Shield Gun
Soul's Shield Gun!!
Soul's Shock Rifle
Soul's Shock Rifle
Soul's Sniper Rifle
Soul's Sniper Rifle
Soul's Target Painter
Soul's Target Painter!!
Soul's Translocator
Soul's teleporter thingy thing!!
Soul Grenade Launcher
Soul's Grenade Launcher

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
SoulMasterSounds.uax 9.1 MB 723409ad9c847ad8a7ce890deab19c89f136489c -
SoulSounds.u 11.1 MB f0ecfe503cbc3954dc8b61b3460550260b60a269 -
SoulTextures.utx 3.2 MB a136fecd8f73fa1dd644148ae3d3b5202fbf92f7 -
SoulWeapons.ukx 300.8 KB a3a77d29f11dd13f16dd914da33a320e55edcb9c -

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  Requires Status  
  SoulMasterSounds OK File is included
  SoulTextures OK File is included
  SoulWeapons OK File is included
  SoulMasterSounds OK File is included
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