Unreal Tournament 2004 / Mutators / Sniper Arena 2K4 101

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Mutator Information

Sniper Arena 2K4 101
The UT Sniper Rifle. In arena mode, removes all weapons and give each player a Sniper Rifle. In non-arena mode, replaces the Lightning Gun and it's ammo with the Sniper Rifle, and it's ammo. Use the mutator configuration menu to change the game rules that apply to this mutator.
May 2004
3.0 MB


Sniper Arena 2K4 101
The UT Sniper Rifle. In arena mode, removes all weapons and give each player a Sniper Rifle. In non-arena mode, replaces the Lightning Gun and it's ammo with the Sniper Rifle, and it's ammo. Use the mutator configuration menu to change the game rules that apply to this mutator.
SA2K4 Link Gun
Arena style link gun for Onslaught. Does not hurt players.
SA2K4 Sniper Rifle
SA2K4 Sniper Rifle

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
SA2K4_101.u 433.6 KB 7c5de216543f43d31ea0dab777fde13a236afaf8 -
SA2K4Media_100.u 4.0 MB c9eedda6f33b8f19e16e895227d46a1973ecf471 -

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