Unreal Tournament 2004 / Mutators / Real Time Illumination

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Mutator Information

Real Time Illumination
There are TWO Mutators in this pack, one does set the default AmbientGlow for the Players to 0, so, when you go to the shadows, the mesh model gets really dark, and the other is the opposite, makes the default AmbientGlow 100%, so, even on very dark shadows, players still 100% visible.
October 2014
130.3 KB
LIP Real Time Illumination.rar


LIP Bright Player Illumination
Makes players totally illuminated even on very dark shadows.
LIP Reallistic Player Illumination
Gives more reallistic ilumination to player models.

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
LIPRealTimeIllum.u 2.3 KB c2a9b32a2f7334632374e709147562d8b25cf318 -

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