Unreal Tournament 2004 / Mutators / Nostalgic_2006C


Mutator Information

A Mutator That Makes You Feel Like Playing UT A Bit
February 2006
6.9 MB
Nostalgic 2006C.7z


A Mutator That Makes You Feel Like Playing UT A Bit
ASMD Shock Rifle
Energy RiflennPrimary Fire: Instant hit laser beam.nnSecondary Fire: Large, slow moving plasma balls.nnTechniques: Hitting the secondary fire plasma balls with the regular fire's laser beam will cause an immensely powerful explosion.
Classification: Light PistolnnPrimary Fire: Accurate but slow firing instant hit.nnSecondary Fire: Sideways, or 'Gangsta' firing mode, shoots twice as fast and half as accurate as the primary fire.nnTechniques: Collect two for twice the damage.
GES Bio Rifle
Classification: Toxic RiflennPrimary Fire: Wads of Tarydium byproduct are lobbed at a medium rate of fire.nnSecondary Fire: When trigger is held down, the BioRifle will create a much larger wad of byproduct. When this wad is launched, it will burst into smaller wads which will adhere to any surfaces.nnTechniques: Byproducts will adhere to walls, floors, or ceilings. Chain reactions can be caused by covering entryways with this lethal green waste.
Impact Hammer (UT)
Melee Piston Primary Fire: When trigger is held down, touch opponents with this piston to inflict massive damage. Secondary Fire: Damages opponents at close range and has the ability to deflect projectiles. Techniques: Shoot at the ground while jumping to jump extra high.
Pulse Gun
Classification: Plasma RiflennPrimary Fire: Medium sized, fast moving plasma balls are fired at a fast rate of fire.nnSecondary Fire: A bolt of green lightning is expelled for 100 meters, which will shock all opponents.nnTechniques: Firing and keeping the secondary fire's lightning on an opponent will melt them in seconds.
Liandri's continued failure to deliver an updated replacement for the beloved Ripper has led an independant weapons developer to take up the gauntlet. The weapons and munitions division of R.A.D. Technologies has most certainly delivered the goods. Featuring a sleek new look combined with deadly destructive capabilites, the MkII Ripjack is a lethal weapon to be faced with. Get too cocky and you could easily lose your head. Twitch your trigger finger at just the wrong moment and you could just as easily shred yourself with an explosive razor. Utmost caution is advised both while wielding the weapon and facing a competent opponent wielding it.
UT Flak Cannon
Classification: Heavy ShrapnelnnPrimary Fire: White hot chunks of scrap metal are sprayed forth, shotgun style.nnSecondary Fire: A grenade full of shrapnel is lobbed at the enemy.nnTechniques: The Flak Cannon is far more useful in close range combat situations.
UT Minigun
Classification: Gatling GunnnPrimary Fire: Bullets are sprayed forth at a medium to fast rate of fire and good accuracy.nnSecondary Fire: Minigun fires twice as fast and is half as accurate.nnTechniques: Secondary fire is much more useful at close range, but can eat up tons of ammunition.
UT Rocketlauncher
Classification: Heavy BallisticnnPrimary Fire: Slow moving but deadly rockets are fired at opponents. Trigger can be held down to load up to six rockets at a time, which can be fired at once.nnSecondary Fire: Grenades are lobbed from the barrel. Secondary trigger can be held as well to load up to six grenades.nnTechniques: Keeping this weapon pointed at an opponent will cause it to lock on, and while the gun is locked the next rocket fired will be a homing rocket. Because the Rocket Launcher can load up multiple rockets, it fires when you release the fire button. If you prefer, it can be configured to fire a rocket as soon as you press fire button down, at the expense of the multiple rocket load-up feature. This is set in the Input Options menu.
UT Sniper Rifle
Classification: Long Range BallisticnnRegular Fire: Fires a high powered bullet. Can kill instantly when applied to the cranium of opposing forces. nnSecondary Fire: Zooms the rifle in, up to eight times normal vision. Allows for extreme precision from hundreds of yards away.nnTechniques: Great for long distance headshots!

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