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mass vacuum
the mass vacuum is a weapon with zoom capabilitys that allows you to pull your enemys to your position!
February 2005
52.9 KB


Name Release Date (est) File Name File Size
mass vacuum 2005-02 massvacuumbeta2[1].0.rar 73.9 KB


mass vacuum
the mass vacuum is a weapon with zoom capabilitys that allows you to pull your enemys to your position!
mass vacuum
The Mass vacuum is a weapon that when its projectile comes in contact with the foe it will pull him towards you. the first attack is for this function the 2ndary attack is a zoom feature.

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
massvacuum.u 18.0 KB 7135755d77d59537db897f99ffa4eb78b1c4a323 1
massvacuumanim.ukx 150.5 KB c5010aadc581adc56840fb03e90716c0fee1be70 1
massvacuumpickup.usx 94.4 KB f72a200d061d816d060ba1d154e28c7514d2b72e 1

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