Unreal Tournament 2004 / Mutators / Heavy Flak Cannon

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Mutator Information

Heavy Flak Cannon
Replaces the Flak Cannon with the Heavy Flak Cannon.
Death Dream
February 2003
2.1 MB


Heavy Flak Cannon
Replaces the Flak Cannon with the Heavy Flak Cannon.
Heavy Flak Cannon
Trident Defensive Technologies Series 8 Flechette Cannon has been taken to the next step in evolution with the production of the Mk3 Peacemaker. The glowing hot serrated flechettes are capable of tearing sizeable chunks out of your enemies. Rapid Fire mode launches four small tight groups of heavy serrated flechettes per second, and Slow Fire mode launches one large cluster of flechettes per second with a wide spread

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
HeavyFlakAmmoTex.utx 171.6 KB 95dda01bbe20fa500f50d3ddfa018332eaaae0b1 -
HeavyFlakCannon.u 10.8 KB 34289466bdcf5df7931a931d4972592aba704da1 -
HeavyFlakHud.utx 341.8 KB ecf0fe7672b35e63797932ab57394825264808f3 -
HeavyFlakTex.utx 9.3 MB 9c18fedc1e1e449952bafe0479333771cfbea8c3 -

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  HeavyFlakAmmoTex OK File is included
  HeavyFlakHud OK File is included
  HeavyFlakTex OK File is included
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