Unreal Tournament 2004 / Mutators / Health Goop Gun Replacer

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Mutator Information

Health Goop Gun Replacer
Replaces all Bio-Rifles with Health Goop Guns, and all Bio ammo with Health Goop Ammo.
July 2004
148.3 KB


Health Goop Gun Replacer
Replaces all Bio-Rifles with Health Goop Guns, and all Bio ammo with Health Goop Ammo.
Health Goop Rifle
The Health Goop Rifle is the backup every combatent on his last legs wishes for, portable health, in variable doses. It's also a god send to team mates, just don't heal the wrong man, or life could be that little bit more difficult.

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
HealthGoopGun.u 13.1 KB 2616c70e5e9e88d5e68dadc358bec31c807f1941 -
HealthGoopGunT.utx 285.7 KB 3b78950905ff439484b9f928ed97e4eb936c5d6e -

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