Unreal Tournament 2004 / Mutators / Excessive 3.01


Mutator Information

Excessive 3.01
Mr.Pants Excessive Overkill for UT2004 Release 3.01||Excessive is an over-the-top mod that makes all the weapons super-powerful, turns off self-damage, gives all the players regenerating health and ammo, and makes every game into a wild and crazy frag-fest!||In the fast and furious bloodfest that is Excessive, it's not about staying alive; it's about taking as many people as possible out with you.
March 2008
4.6 MB


Excessive 3.01
Mr.Pants Excessive Overkill for UT2004 Release 3.01

Excessive is an over-the-top mod that makes all the weapons super-powerful, turns off self-damage, gives all the players regenerating health and ammo, and makes every game into a wild and crazy frag-fest!

In the fast and furious bloodfest that is Excessive, it's not about staying alive; it's about taking as many people as possible out with you.
Ball Launcher
Ball Launcher
Excessive Assault Rifle
The Excessive Assault Rifle lets you start off with dual rifles that pack a serious punch. Many players underestimate this weapon in Excessive and fail to see its devistating accuracy at long range to finish off a coward running away.
Excessive AVRiL
The Excessive Avril has been beefed up, not only posing a threat to vehicles, but to players on foot as well. Theres nothing like a good avril jump.
Excessive Bio-Rifle
The Excessive Bio Rifle can load up quite a bit of goup before lobbing a giant glob of death. Never fear, if you miss, you will leave quite a mess.
Excessive Flak Cannon
The Excessive Flak Cannon can cover an area with a series of explosions increasing chances of damage and be used quite well as an arial assault launch.
Excessive Flame Thrower
The Excessive Flame Thrower is well... a flame thrower. Beware, the bots enjoy toasting you on a afternoon Sunday BBQ.
Excessive Grenade Launcher
The Excessive Grenade Launcher fires magnetic sticky grenades, which will attach to enemy players and vehicles. Shoot these between two walls and the grenade will shoot a laser to the other wall and any enemy passing through the beam will wish he had learned what a Bouncing Betty meant.
Excessive Ion Painter
The Excessive Ion Painter will paint a target for the Ion Cannons. An unstable ionic field will cause damage to those any getting caught in the wake.
Excessive Lightning Gun
The Excessive Lightning Gun should be a feared weapon, it doesn't take but a few hits to ensure death.
Excessive Link Gun
The Excessive Link Gun can be powered up to unleash three beams which can be challenging to use to its full potential.
Excessive Mine Layer
The Excessive Mine Layer: Talk about creepy.... Launch a spider mine and watch him grow to his full size when he lands. When not receiving orders, the mines will use some of the latest cloaking technology to hide from enemy. Occasionally, you may catch one getting a peek, revealing himself momentarily.
Excessive Minigun
The Excessive Minigun has always been a favorite. The primary fire burns thru some ammo quick but is sure to spell death to a player with an eagle eye. Alt fire leaves a deadly spread of explosive rounds.
Excessive Redeemer
The Excessive Redeemer will cause a devistating blast on impact, that release a number of homing missles that will find a target and hunt them down till they are destryoed. Alternate fire allows you to fly the Redeemer and fire off the rockets from flight.
Excessive Rocket Launcher
Do you need anything more?
Excessive Shield Gun
The Excessive Shield Gun is an effective weapon to use for jumping. The alternate fire will cover the player with a shield that protects him from most harm, and will also give the player a speed boost if the shields ammo can be maintained with 10 or above.
Excessive Shock Rifle
The Excessive Shock Rifle fires a series of shock balls with the alt fire, and anyone can be lit up with the primary fire, causing a chainreaction to other shock projectiles in proximity.
Excessive Sniper Rifle
The Excessive Sniper Rifle fires explosive rounds at an increased fire rate. Use the ToggleFireMode to enable night vision when zoomed.
Excessive Target Painter
The Excessive Target Painter will paint a target for a formation of bombers that really cause some serious destruction.
Excessive Translocator
The Excessive Translocator: Use the ToggleFireMode bind to switch to TransLaunch mode. Launch will catapult you with the pucks momentum, leaving a little devistating explosion behind. Press the ToggleFireMode bind again to return to TransLocate
Excessive Energy Turret
Excessive Energy Turret
Excessive Goliath
Excessive Goliath
Excessive Goliath Minigun Turret
Excessive Goliath Minigun Turret
Excessive HellBender
Excessive HellBender
Excessive HellBender Rear Turret
Excessive HellBender Rear Turret
Excessive HellBender Side Turret
Excessive HellBender Side Turret
Excessive Leviathan
Excessive Leviathan
Excessive Leviathan Turret
Excessive Leviathan Turret
Excessive Manta
Excessive Manta
Excessive Raptor
Excessive Raptor
Excessive Scorpion
Excessive Scorpion
Raptor Turret
Raptor Turret
Scorpion Turret
Scorpion Turret

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
ExcessiveMenu.ogg 1.1 MB 7df37d03c05d768f857763d0c2ae6a3525fdf4b6 6
ExcessiveMesh.usx 330.4 KB 53acbe50ffc75e5e618eb8ecf3213c7227c242a6 8
ExcessiveTex_B.utx 364.5 KB af9e227f648dbdc83a980000e45c09f4ebf8b94e 7
ExcessiveTex.utx 7.0 MB ef3b116f41a82edc84b004f400e816da8d3f978d 9
ExcessiveV301.u 1.7 MB c6cf576b05c960d10e8f13658b96fcb12a452bbd 3
ExcessiveWeapons.ukx 1.1 MB 3b1c8f308e48f6d0797a392bbd45b1206d3ed798 8

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  ExcessiveTex OK File is included
  ExcessiveMesh OK File is included
  ExcessiveTex OK File is included
  ExcessiveTex_B OK File is included
  ExcessiveWeapons OK File is included
  ExcessiveTex OK File is included
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