Unreal Tournament 2004 / Mutators / Ballistic Weapons v2.1

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Mutator Information

Ballistic Weapons v2.1
May 2022
14.2 MB


Ballistic Vehicles
Replaces vehicles with ones modified to fit in better with BW.
Junk War
Battle it out with whatever you can get your hands on! All manner of junk is dotted around the arena, everything from rusted old pipes, crowbars and spanners to ice picks, tazers and empty beer bottles, it can all be used as a weapon...

MRS138 Tactical Shotgun
MRS138 Tactical Shotgun

Manufacturer: Drake & Co Firearms
Primary: Single Shot
Secondary: Held Tazer Attack
Special: FlashLight

Also from the first line of Drake & Co weaponry, the MRS138 Combat Shotgun, is an excellent close-range weapon. Using 10 Gauge ammunition, this shotgun provides high damage, medium spread, and more range than most other weapons in its class. Although it has more range than other shotguns, the MRS138 has a slightly larger spread, and due to the size of the pellets, does not fire as many. The weapon is also outfitted with a tactical light, and tazer attachement, to increase its effectiveness as a crowd control and civilian weapon. This shorter than usual shotgun, can only house 7 rounds of its deadly ammunition, and unfortunately, must be cocked after each shot. The tazer is an effective tool for stunning enemies and inflicting slight damage, leaving them blinded and disoriented for a few seconds, while the flash light can be used for locating those which hide in the dark.
Random Junk - Average
JunkWar Weapons
All manner of junk items that are scattered throughout the arena and can be picked up and used as weapons to kill enemies. These artefacts may range from old beer bottles, rusted piping and discarded building material to industrial tools, kitchenware and electircal weapons.
Random Junk - Heavy
JunkWar Weapons
All manner of junk items that are scattered throughout the arena and can be picked up and used as weapons to kill enemies. These artefacts may range from old beer bottles, rusted piping and discarded building material to industrial tools, kitchenware and electircal weapons.
Random Junk - Mammoth
JunkWar Weapons
All manner of junk items that are scattered throughout the arena and can be picked up and used as weapons to kill enemies. These artefacts may range from old beer bottles, rusted piping and discarded building material to industrial tools, kitchenware and electircal weapons.
Random Junk - Special
JunkWar Weapons
All manner of junk items that are scattered throughout the arena and can be picked up and used as weapons to kill enemies. These artefacts may range from old beer bottles, rusted piping and discarded building material to industrial tools, kitchenware and electircal weapons.
Random Junk - Throwing
JunkWar Weapons
All manner of junk items that are scattered throughout the arena and can be picked up and used as weapons to kill enemies. These artefacts may range from old beer bottles, rusted piping and discarded building material to industrial tools, kitchenware and electircal weapons.
Random Junk - Two Handed
JunkWar Weapons
All manner of junk items that are scattered throughout the arena and can be picked up and used as weapons to kill enemies. These artefacts may range from old beer bottles, rusted piping and discarded building material to industrial tools, kitchenware and electircal weapons.
RS8 10mm Pistol
RS8 10mm Pistol

Manufacturer: Drake & Co Firearms
Primary: 10mm Fire
Secondary: Laser Sight
Special: Silencer

A fine and reliable weapon, produced by a rather new company, the 10mm RS8 pistol is bound for success. Featuring a 14 round, 10mm magazine, laser sight and silencer, as well as an effective closer range, 3-round burst fire mode. Use the laser sight to see exactly where your gun is aimed, and the silencer when stealth and quietness are required. The RS8 being a fairly recent firearm, first manufactured during the second-war, has not seen as much action as other older pistols, and some critics say it won't be able to stand up to a Cryon, let alone a Skrith!.
SRS900 Battle Rifle
SRS-900 Battle Rifle

Manufacturer: NDTR Industries
Primary: Powerful Rifle Fire
Secondary: Activate Scope
Special: Silencer

Another battlefield favourite produced by high-tech manufacturer, NDTR Industries, the SRS-900 is indeed a fine weapon. Using high velocity 7.62mm ammunition, this rifle causes a lot of damage to the target, but suffers from high recoil, chaos and a low clip capacity. The altered design, can now incorporate a silencer to the end of the barrel, increasing its capabilities as a stealth weapon. This particular model, also features a versatile, red-filter scope, complete with various tactical readouts and indicators, including a range finder, stability metre, elevation indicator, ammo display and stealth meter.
XRS-10 Machine-Pistol
XRS-10 Machine-Pistol

Manufacturer: Drake & Co Firearms
Primary: Medium .40 Cal
Secondary: Laser Sight
Special: Silencer

The XRS10 is a small, silencable Sub-Machinegun, constructed by newcomer arms company, Drake & Co. Based on a design from many years ago, the XRS10 is a short, medium-range weapon, using .40 calibre ammunition. The weapon has a medium rate-of-fire, fair damage, and a decent magazine capacity, yet can generate much recoil and chaos. The new model, features silencer and blue-light laser sight, to give it some more edge in stealthier situations.
Albatross Bomber Station
Albatross Bomber Station
Rhino Machinegun
Rhino Machinegun

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
BallisticAnims3.ukx 4.4 MB 357288a929b665b53c591d13a511b0c129c437c1 -
BallisticBlood3.utx 2.7 MB 0834ef5a8e1c976122b426b994466afab117d8ee -
BallisticEffects2.utx 2.8 MB c180ab3c796a4a62b52e3f2e2bec9d18762db57e -
BallisticHardware3.usx 1.5 MB 943eb3ca71f162fad0076ac2633859845369d9e8 -
BallisticSounds3.uax 6.4 MB c66535f4343249004828faf28760d8488aaab19e -
BallisticTextures3.utx 2.5 MB 062a27fb61c78543531092c670dc76042aea377d -
BallisticV21.u 2.4 MB 105bdd0d9c64bb77271a397f27aed2401e12eba6 -
BallisticVehicles.u 45.3 KB d80973b3ab3e274caf3f9991b801769614dac52c -
BallisticVehicleSounds.uax 9.6 KB 9f9ad0804cac81d1a875c0c4bb6ea3f0e6e1606a -
BCoreV21.u 759.5 KB 656a114a7185cc79fc7ff285d1f285f559e6cfe4 -
BWBP1-Sounds2.uax 328.0 KB f526390ab2a82f02bfde8e72d64a4ad387366a0b -
BWBP2-Sounds2.uax 1.1 MB bbe74c89d0d394ac66e28488c784afc2c6055cf2 -
BWBP3-Sounds2.uax 156.1 KB 68cded10781052b6378f5c8437e85e0b8f968842 -
BWBPOneV21.u 142.6 KB f2554e7978aea2a47f87017a077584c9d883d75c -
BWBPThreeV21.u 49.0 KB b10168bb888f35b0868111c7aef15ebf5ebb0519 -
BWBPTwoV21.u 167.5 KB 6f23b732ff1269a5ce56e979647ee8de1f9f17f9 -
BWEliminationTex.utx 866.8 KB 60fd5bef141b1ac386c5a3718bf1b5fa32b0534d -
JunkWarUI2.utx 129.2 KB 810878671201da631683359b096bfa1e6fcb99ca -
JunkWarV21.u 512.7 KB d97da90512633887b4993f5fbd945621d278d8e6 -

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Required Files

  Requires Status  
  BallisticSounds3 OK File is included
  BallisticTextures3 OK File is included
  BallisticWeapons2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticTextures3 OK File is included
  BallisticUI2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticWeapons2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticAnims2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticAnims3 OK File is included
  BallisticBlood2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticBlood3 OK File is included
  BallisticEffects MISSING File is not included
  BallisticEffects2 OK File is included
  BallisticHardware2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticHardware3 OK File is included
  BallisticSounds2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticSounds3 OK File is included
  BallisticTextures3 OK File is included
  BallisticUI2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticWeapons2 MISSING File is not included
  BCoreV2 MISSING File is not included
  BCoreV21 OK File is included
  BWEliminationTex OK File is included
  BWGoreHardware MISSING File is not included
  BallisticEffects MISSING File is not included
  BallisticHardware2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticSounds2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticSounds3 OK File is included
  BallisticV21 OK File is included
  BallisticVehicleSounds OK File is included
  BallisticUI2 MISSING File is not included
  BWAddPack-RS-Skins MISSING File is not included
  BWBP2-Tex MISSING File is not included
  BWBP3-Tex MISSING File is not included
  BallisticEffects MISSING File is not included
  BallisticHardware2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticSounds2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticSounds3 OK File is included
  BallisticUI2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticV21 OK File is included
  BallisticWeapons2 MISSING File is not included
  BCoreV21 OK File is included
  BWAddPack-RS-Effects MISSING File is not included
  BWAddPack-RS-Hardware MISSING File is not included
  BWAddPack-RS-Skins MISSING File is not included
  BWAddPack-RS-Sounds MISSING File is not included
  BWBP1-Anims MISSING File is not included
  BWBP1-Sounds2 OK File is included
  BallisticHardware2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticSounds2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticSounds3 OK File is included
  BallisticUI2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticV21 OK File is included
  BallisticWeapons2 MISSING File is not included
  BCoreV21 OK File is included
  BWBP3b-Anims MISSING File is not included
  BWBP3Hardware MISSING File is not included
  BWBP3-Sounds MISSING File is not included
  BWBP3-Sounds2 OK File is included
  BWBP3-Tex MISSING File is not included
  BallisticEffects MISSING File is not included
  BallisticSounds2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticUI2 MISSING File is not included
  BallisticV21 OK File is included
  BallisticWeapons2 MISSING File is not included
  BCoreV21 OK File is included
  BWBP2b-Anims MISSING File is not included
  BWBP2-FX MISSING File is not included
  BWBP2Hardware MISSING File is not included
  BWBP2-Sounds MISSING File is not included
  BWBP2-Sounds2 OK File is included
  BWBP2-Tex MISSING File is not included
  BCoreV21 OK File is included
  JunkWarAnims MISSING File is not included
  JunkWarHardware MISSING File is not included
  JunkWarSkins MISSING File is not included
  JunkWarSounds MISSING File is not included
  JunkWarUI MISSING File is not included
  JunkWarUI2 OK File is included
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