Unreal Tournament 2004 / Mutators / Ballistic Recolors [Config]

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Mutator Information

Ballistic Recolors [Config]
This mutator allows you to always spawn with fists. You can also use it to grant Instagib rifles and enable randomized or enhanced damage for the Ballistic mod.|Made by Sergeant Kelly and Captain Xavious.
June 2013
138.9 MB
Sergeant Kellys Weapons V10.044 Weapon Drops 4 5.7z


Ballistic Recolors [Config]
This mutator allows you to always spawn with fists. You can also use it to grant Instagib rifles and enable randomized or enhanced damage for the Ballistic mod.
Made by Sergeant Kelly and Captain Xavious.
A49 Skrith Blaster
A49 Skrith Blaster

Manufacturer: Unknown Skrith Engineers
Primary: Rapid Energy Pulses
Secondary: Disorienting Blast

An interesting piece of Skrith technology, the A49 Skrith Blaster seems to be an attempt at a miniaturized A73 Skrith Rifle, to fill an intermediary role somewhere between that of a side arm and full sized assault weapon, roughly equivalent to a human sub-machine gun or sub-assault rifle. Its compact size and respectable power makes it considerably better than its cousin, the A42 Whip, but an unexplainable lack of samples found on skrith fighters, plus the weapon's unreliable rate of fire and tendency to overheat suggest that this was an unsuccessful weapon that failed to see full scale use.

The weapon's curious defensive light and sound based function is capable of disorienting attackers at point blank, but its very existence is brought to question by scientists and soldiers alike. Veterans of Skrith assaults argue that Skrith would have no need of this function, often being able to strike quickly without being seen. Researchers theorize that perhaps this weapon was a mark of shame, given to skrith unable to remain hidden from view of their enemy.
A73-E Skrith Rifle
A73 Elite Skrith Rifle

Manufacturer: Unknown Skrith Engineers
Primary: Energy Bolt
Secondary: Blade Stab

The A73-E is a specialized version of the Skrith standard rifle and is rarely seen on the battlefield. Aside from the red tint, the Elite model is very similar in appearance to the standard. Scans show, however, that this special version fires projectiles at roughly 3 times the standard heat level and has an odd permanent electrical charge coursing through the blades. If encountered in the field, it is advised to report the occurrence to HQ immediately for testing.
AH104 Assault Pistol
AH-104 'Pounder' Handcannon

Manufacturer: Enravion Combat Solutions
Primary: HEAP Rounds
Secondary: Laser Sight

'The handcannon of the future.' Those were the words of Enravion as they publically released this modified version of the AM67. Nicknamed the 'Pounder' for its potent .600 explosive armor piercing rounds; the AH104 can legally carry the name handcannon. Its immense stopping power and anti-armor capability make this weapon a favorite of military leaders and personnel across the worlds. The full-steel AH104 is known to be absurdly heavy (12 lbs unloaded) in order to compensate for the power of its large rounds and cannot be dual wielded. It also comes equipped with a laser targeting system in place of the usual AM67 flash bulb.
AH208 Assault Pistol
AH-208 'Eagle' Assault Pistol

Manufacturer: Enravion Combat Solutions
Primary: Magnum Rounds
Secondary: Pistol Whip
Special: Laser Dot

Built as a more affordable alternative to the AH104, the AH208 is an alternate design chambered for .44 magnum rounds instead of the usual $100 .600 HEAP ones. It is less accurate than the AH104 and D49, but its 8 round magazine and faster reload times let it put more rounds down range than both. Its significant weight and recoil means it requires both hands to shoot and is harder to control than its revolver and handcannon siblings, a fact that comes into play where range is a concern. While not as popular as its larger .600 cousin, the AH208 packs a formidable punch and is a force to be reckoned with.
AH250 Assault Pistol
AH-250 'Hawk' Assault Pistol

Manufacturer: Enravion Combat Solutions
Primary: Magnum Rounds
Secondary: Scope
The new AH-250 is an updated version of Enravion's AH-208 model. Equipped with a compensator for recoil, match-grade internals, and a precision scope, the AH-250 is a powerful and precise sidearm. Big game hunters have taken a liking to the gun and it can be seen in almost every outer planet action flick. Military adoption remains low due to the heavy recoil and impracticality of carrying around such a large sidearm.
AK-490 Battle Rifle
AK-490 Battle Rifle

Manufacturer: Zavod Tochnogo Voorujeniya (ZTV Export)
Primary: 7.62 AP Rounds
Secondary: Stock Smack

Chambering 7.62mm armor piercing rounds, this rifle is a homage to its' distant predecessor, the AK-47. Though the weapons' looks have hardly changed at all, this model features a vastly improved firing mechanism, allowing it to operate in the most punishing of conditions. Equipped with a heavy reinforced stock, launchable ballistic bayonet, and 20 round box mag, this automatic powerhouse is guaranteed to cut through anything in its way. ZVT Exports designed this weapon to be practical and very easy to maintain. With its rugged and reliable design, the AK490 has spread throughout the cosmos and can be found just about anywhere.
Bulldog .75 Assault Cannon
R20 Bulldog .75 Assault Cannon

Manufacturer: Black & Wood
Primary: .75 BOLT Rounds
Secondary: FRAG-12 Grenade

In the large universe of guns, Black & Wood's R20 Bulldog is a cannon. In keeping up with their excellent reputation, Black & Wood's Bulldog was designed as an extremely reliable and high powered dual-feed munition launcher. Capable of punching a 2 foot hole in the toughest of Cryon grunts at 50 yards and shattering enemy structures with relative ease, the massive .75 caliber BOLT rounds devastate anything they smash into. Designated 'thermoBaric Ordinance, Lead Trajectory', the acronym desicribes the payload and trajectory of the massive primary munition of the Bulldog. The secondary ammo feed can be chambered with a number of different 20mm rounds, but the preferred shells are an adaption of the potent FRAG-12 explosive slugs, used for ripping a hole in thicker armor to allow the BOLT rounds to finish the job.
CYLO Assault Weapon
CYLO Versatile Urban Assault Weapon

Manufacturer: Dipheox Combat Arms
Primary: Select Fire Assault Rifle
Secondary: Semi-Automatic 16 Gauge Shotgun
Special: Melee Slash

Dipheox's most popular weapon, the CYLO Versatile Urban Assault Weapon is designed with one goal in mind: Brutal close quarters combat. The CYLO accomplishes this goal quite well, earning itself the nickname of Badger with its small frame, brutal effectiveness, and unpredictability. UTC refuses to let this weapon in the hands of its soldiers because of its erratic firing and tendency to jam.

The CYLO Versatile UAW is fully capable for urban combat. The rifle's caseless 7.62mm rounds can easily shoot through doors and thin walls, while the shotgun can clear a room quickly with its semi-automatic firing. Proper training with the bayonet can turn the gun itself into a deadly melee weapon.
CYLO Firestorm IV
CYLO Firestorm IV

Manufacturer: Dipheox Combat Arms
Primary: Select Fire Assault Rifle
Secondary: Melee Slash

The CYLO Firestorm IV is an upgraded version of Dipheox's most popular weapon. The IV has been redesigned from the ground up for maximum efficiency and can now chamber the fearsome 5.56mm incendiary rounds. This special ammunition expands under high heat and can deal enhanced stopping power when used in heated environments due to round mushrooming. Upgrades to the ammo feed and clip lock greatly reduce the chance of jams and ensures a more stable rate of fire, however these have been known to malfunction under excessive stress. Likewise, prolonged use of the incendiary ammunition should be avoided due to potential damage to the barrel and control mechanisms.

While not as versatile as its shotgun equipped cousin, the CYLO Firestorm is still very deadly in urban combat. Proper training with the bayonet can turn the gun itself into a deadly melee weapon.
E-V Plasma Cannon 9000
E-V Hyper Plasma Cannon 9000

Manufacturer: Nexron Defence
Primary: Super Plasma Charge
Secondary: Directed Plasma Pulse

[Document Begins - Details Classified] --- (--- ----- ------ ------) -- - ----- ---- ------- -- ---- --- ------ -- --- ---. ---- -- ------ -- --------- -- --------. ------ ---- ------ ------ --- --- -- - ------ -------- ------ -------------- --- - ---. ------- ----. ------- ----- -- - ----- --- --- ------- -- -------- ------ --- ----------. ---- ------- -- --- ---- ---------- --. ----- ---- -----. ---- - -- --------- ----- - ---------- --- -- -----. *[Info Removed]* Troops have been noted calling the (--- ----- ----- ------) a Big F-cking Gun.
FG50 Heavy Machine Gun
FG50 Heavy Machine Gun

Manufacturer: NDTR Industries
Primary: Automatic .50 Fire
Secondary: Holosight
Special: Laser Sight

The FG50 Heavy Machine Gun is a specialized .50 caliber weapon designed for use on automated weapons platforms and vehicles. Built under contract for the UTC, the NDTR FG50 is the primary weapon for many light assault vehicles and combat drones. An infantry version was developed for UTC's Sub-Orbital Insertion Troops as a high powered combat rifle, after complaints that the current M925 was too bulky to carry and store in Armored Insertion Pods and that the MG33 simply did not pack the punch required to stop a charging Skrith.

Hunter-killer SOIT teams swear by the FG50 now, and praise its ability to fire with precision and accuracy. However ask any veteran and you'll hear many stories about those who disrespected the power of the weapon and foolishly ended up with broken arms and damaged prides. The HMG is not a weapon to toy with.
Your fists. Go get some bloody knuckles.
FMD G28 Medicinal Aerosol
FMD G28 Medicinal Aerosol

Manufacturer: UTC Defense Tech
Primary: Throw Grenade
Secondary: Roll Grenade
Special: Release Clip

The FMD G28 Medicinal Aerosol is a lightweight smoke grenade filled with various healing compounds and nano-assemblers for quick wound repair on the fly. It is a medic's best friend, and has been used to save many soldiers' lives. It has unfortunately also been the cause of a few deaths, as the gas can be ignited under the right conditions and the grenade itself is quite heavy and can cause concussions if thrown with sufficient velocity.

Surgeon General's Warning: The G28 Medicinal Aerosol is a temporary healing agent, and should not be used in place of quality medical care. May cause cancer.
FMD H14 Combat Defibrillator
FMD H14 Combat Defibrillator

Manufacturer: UTC Defense Tech
Primary: Electric Jab
Secondary: Electric Uppercut
Special: Electric Dispersion Ring

When UTC troops stationed in medical bays around the galaxy asked for a lightweight and portable device to revive fallen troops, R&D teams came up with the FMD H14 Combat Defibrillator Unit. The H14 is a set of advanced defrillators worn around the hands, which are designed to bring portable resuscitation without sacrificing weight. However, live tests on the field quickly found that the H14 carried too much charge, so instead of saving lives, it just ended them. The H14s can still be used to charge and activate suit life-support systems, giving the user and his allies a small health boost. The H14 is now deployed as a force multiplier for select Berserker Squads, who make great use of its damage reducing dispersion field.
FSSG-50 Marksman Rifle
FSSG-50 .50 Marksman Rifle

Manufacturer: NDTR Industries
Primary: Accurate .50 Fire
Secondary: Activate Scope
Special:Toggle IR Scope

[Fallschirmjägerscharfschützengewehr] FSsG-50 is the name given to high-performance FG50 Machineguns that are then equipped with match-grade barrels and high-quality custom marksman stocks. FG-50s with exceptional target groupings and perfect reliability ratings are the primary candidates for the FSsG upgrade, though some production plants with extremely tight tolerances and quality control specifically produce the FSsG variant. The result is a very accurate sniper rifle with a muzzle velocity far higher than its standard cousin. These elite rifles are very rarely mounted on vehicle platforms and are often utilized by sharpshooters equipped with enhanced scopes and match-grade N6-BMG rounds for hard target interdiction. This FSSG-50 is firing the mass produced N1-Incendiary round and has an Aeris Mark 2 Suresight scope attached.
GRSXX Golden Pistol
GRSXX Pistol

Manufacturer: Drake & Co Firearms
Primary: Accelerated 9mm Rounds
Secondary: Focused Beam Matrix

The Golden GRSXX is a truly rare sight. With only thirty-two ever produced, prices range in the tens of millions. A much improved version of the GRS9, the GRSXX boasts an enhanced UTC Mk6 Power Coil and a Model 8 magnetic accelerator in the lining of the barrel. The power coil boosts the laser's power output while substantially decreasing battery drainage. At the cost of battery damage, the laser matrix generator can also fire a compact energy burst by overloading and detonating the Mk6 coils. [Barrel is made of 24-Karat gold with an underlying platinum-titanium casing.]
HMC-117 Photon Cannon
HMC-117 Volatile Photon Cannon

Manufacturer: Nexron Defence
Primary: Charged Photon Blast
Secondary: Sweeping Plasma Beam
Special: None
The HMC-117 Volatile Photon Cannon, often nicknamed 'The Sentinel', was created originally as a tool for testing heat shielding on space craft. It was often used by shuttle crews for zero-G EVA repairs during rough space trips. Due to a couple horrifying accidents and its tendency to melt through bulkheads, the HMC was scrapped in favor of other testing and repair methods. Deemed an overall failure, somehow a variant of this bulky device managed to find its way onto the field and proved to be quite effective at taking out Cryon units. The power and reliability of its industrial grade photon generator was praised by many troopers and not even the strongest of Cryons could withstand a fully charged photon blast. While the original HMC power cells are long gone, Nexron modified HMCs can successfully run on HVPC power cells.
H-V Plasma Cannon Mk5
H-V Magnetic Plasma Cannon Mk5

Manufacturer: Nexron Defence
Primary: Contained Plasma Charge
Secondary: Directed Plasma Pulse

[Document Begins] The High Voltage Magnetic Plasma Cannon [Mark 5] - Codename 'Shock & Awe' - is a potent energy delivery system. State of the art magnetically charged sustaining coils powered by a portable back-mounted power generator can now, due to a recent breakthrough in plasma technology, successfully govern an operational array of plasma injectors. The Mk-5 uses these injectors to artificially condense and contain small 1 eV plasma 'charges' that can be propelled at high velocities towards hostile forces. Testing is currently underway. [Document Ends]
LK-05 Advanced Carbine
LK-05 Advanced Carbine

Manufacturer: XWI Elite Systems
Primary: Accurate Rifle Fire
Secondary: Attach Suprressor
Special: Toggle Flashlight/Laser

The LK-05 Carbine is an extremely high-quality assault weapon manufactured exclusively for select PMCs and paramilitary groups. It is very rarely seen on the battlefield as no Terran-recongized militaries publicly use it, and XWI does not admit to manufacturing firearms or weapons of any kind. Despite this, a large amount of casualities on both the Terran and Skrith sides are attributed to the LK-05. It notably uses specialized, custom-tooled 5.56mm ammunition that is both match-grade and disintigrating, much to the chagrin of crime scene investigators. Investigations into XWI's ties to various PMC groups and high-profile assassinations are on-going, but unlikely to succeed.
LS-14 Laser Carbine
LS-14 Directed Energy Projection Weapon

Manufacturer: UTC Defense Tech
Primary: Focused Photon Beam
Secondary: Mini Rockets

The LS-14 Laser Carbine is UTC Defense Tech's latest energy based assault weapon. The LS-14 features a computer control system which allows the weapon to moderate both primary and secondary functions, and has an easy to read screen that can tell the user the status of its various systems. Ammunition counts, heat levels, and many other useful bits of information are simply a touch of a button away - a feature praised by many soldiers. This laser carbine features a magazine style battery, a side mounted mini rocket launcher, and a scope, making this weapon incredibly versatile.

Unlike other directed energy weapons, the LS14 comes with a multitude of integrated safety features that prevent it from critically overloading, however these can be disabled if the user wishes. It is important to note that while the LS-14 is primarily a recoilless laser weapon, it is known to expel excess gas at higher temperatures which can make aiming difficult.
LS-440M Instagib Rifle
LS-440M Enhanced Shock Rifle

Manufacturer: UTC Defense Tech
Primary: Charged Photon Beam
Secondary: Rapid Photon Beam

The LS-440M is a specialized LS14 upgraded by Nexron defense. The LS-440M was designed expressly to pierce Skrith energy armor, and as such has massively boosted energy levels. Power is provided by a heavy duty E-115 backpack, the same used on high output E-V and H-V plasma cannons. While the backpack hampers mobility, it gauarantees that users will not run out of power in a firefight. Caution: Due to the rifle's extreme power outputs, all LS-440Ms have safety systems on override. Full protective gear must be worn at all times, as the unshielded core vents can emit in excess of 3,000 rads.
M30A1 Tactical Rifle
M30A1 Tactical Rifle

Manufacturer: Enravion Combat Solutions
Primary: Accurate Rifle Fire
Secondary: Charged Gauss Fire
Special: Laser Dot

A further improvement on their crowning achievement, the M30A1 is the long range version of the famed rifle. With a forward mounted laser sight and heavy 7.62 rifle rounds, the M30A1 Tactical Rifle can accurately snipe targets at any distance. In order to compensate for the slower firing speed and increased recoil, Enravion added a secondary gauss projectile accelerator to the barrel. By simply depressing the trigger twice in quick succession, the user can activate the system and propel the bullet at a much higher velocity through the armor and flesh of unsuspecting victims. (With regards to a minor recharge time.) The A1 comes equipped with a mounted camera sight for increased accuracy.
MARS-2 Assault Rifle
MARS-2 Assault Rifle

Manufacturer: NDTR Industries
Primary: 5.56mm STN Rifle Rounds
Secondary: Integrated Scope

The 2 variant of the Modular Assault Rifle System is one of many rifles built under NDTR Industries' MARS project. The project, which aimed to produce a successor to the army's current M50 and M30 rifles, has produced a number of functional prototypes. The 2 variant is a sharpshooter model with a longer barrel and an advanced IRNV integral scope. The advanced scope mounted on the MARS-2 can switch between standard, infrared/night vision, and an advanced targeting system to help the user target foes where visibility may be impared. Current tests show the MARS-2 to be reliable and effective, yet expensive.
MARS-3 CQB Assault Rifle
MARS-3 CQB Assault Rifle

Manufacturer: NDTR Industries
Primary: Rapid Rifle Fire
Secondary: 40mm Pulse Mine
Special: Suppressor

The 3 variant of the Modular Assault Rifle System is one of many rifles built under NDTR Industries' MARS project. The project, which was aimed to produce a successor to the army's current M50 and M30 rifles, has produced a number of functional prototypes. The 3 variant is a short barreled model designed for CQC use with non-standard ammunition. Field tests have shown excellent results when loaded with Snowstorm or Firestorm rounds, and above-average performance with Zero-G, toxic and electro rounds. This specific MARS-3 is loaded with 5.45mm suppressor-ready low velocity rounds and is set to fire at a blistering 850 RPM. Unlike the sharpshooter MARS-2 variant, the MARS-3 also comes with an advanced grenade launcher that can chamber 40mm JRGM Fission shockwave grenades. These grenades were developed during the first Skrith war and were invaluable for disrupting Skrith ambushes.
MJ51 Carbine
MJ51 Carbine

Manufacturer: Majestic Firearms 12
Primary: 5.56mm CAP Rifle Fire
Secondary: Attach Smoke Grenade

The MJ51 is a 3-round burst carbine based off the popular M50 assault rifle. Unlike the M50 and SAR though, it fires a shorter 5.56mm CAP round and is more controllable than its larger cousin, though this comes at the expense of long range accuracy and power. While the S-AR 12 is the UTC's weapon of choice for close range engagements, the MJ51 is often seen in the hands of MP and urban security details. When paired with its native MOA-C Rifle Grenade attachment, the MJ51 makes an efficient riot control weapon.
Majestic Firearms 12 designed their MJ51 carbine alongside their MOA-C Chaff Grenade to produce a rifle with grenade launching capabilities without the need of a bulky launcher that has to be sperately maintained. Utilizing a hardened tungsten barrel and an advanced rifle grenade design, a soldier is able to seamlessly ready a grenade projectile without having to rechamber specilized rounds or operate a secondary weapon.
MOA-C Chaff Grenade
MOA-C Chaff Rifle Grenade

Manufacturer: Majestic Firearms 12
Primary: Throw Grenade
Secondary: Melee
Special: Release Clip

Majestic Firearm 12's MOA-C Chaff Grenade is designed to be barrel fired with any* type of rifle round on the market. There's no need to unload your rifle to fire a grenade; the grenade stem's primer catches the bullet to ignite the shaped charge of the stem while leaving the barrel, offering a two stage propellant system that gives the grenade a greater velocity than standard rifle grenades. The MOA-C Chaff Grenade can also be utilized by infantry not equipped with the MJ51 Carbine as a hand thrown grenade. The soldier simply primes the grenade by twisting the cap and throws it. Due to the shaped charge still being present at the time of impact, the grenade tends to produce a higher explosive yield when thrown rather than shot from the rifle. Majestic Firearms 12 is not responsible injuries caused by inappropriate use of the grenade in this manner.
MR-DR88 Machine Pistol
MR-DR88 Machine Pistol

Manufacturer: UTC Defense Tech/Krome Firepower
Primary: Automatic 9mm rounds
Secondary: Melee bash

This bull pup style weapon, made by UTC Defense Tech, features a ring magazine holding 36 rounds of 9mm ammunition that wraps around the forearm and has a spiked steel knuckle on it. Because the bulk of the weight sits on the forearm and not on the wrist, this weapon is very easy to use either single or in pairs. With the unique magazine, some users may find reloading this weapon to be challenging, UTC designed an entirely new feed system for this weapon and as such is still in its experimental stages. This DR88 model uses the same Krome muzzle flash system as the Fifty-9 for massive amounts of style.
NEX Plas-Edge Sword
NEX Plas-Edge Sword

Manufacturer: Nexron Defence
Primary: Slash
Secondary: Charged Slash
Special: Block

The NEX Plas-Edge Mod 0 is the first in a line of high tech energy based swords pioneered by Nexron defense. Unlike the later nanosword designs, the NEX Mod 0 uses only the supercharged ionic gas channel for energy and relies on a traditional metal sword for the cutting. This approach was quickly abandoned as Element 115's plasma field unfortunately proved to be highly unstable with erratic charge levels and random dangerous overheats. The blade's excessive heat also required a different approach - scientists noted that after prolonged exposure the blade ionized the surrounding atmosphere and made breathing difficult. When using the NEX in combat, be careful not to overcharge it as the blade is prone to discharge when completely energized. It should be noted that the plas-edge's coils are incredibly unstable and will absorb any and all incoming energy. With an effect similar to skrith anti-energy armor, this can be used to the user's advantage in the field by absorbing enemy plasma charges and using them to strike a supercharged blow.
R98 Hunting Rifle
R98 Hunting Rifle

Manufacturer: UTC Defense Tech
Primary: Single Powerful Shot
Secondary: Engage Iron-Sights

The R98 Hunting Rifle is the designated civillian version of the popular R78A1 Sniper Rifle. While it lacks the military scope and superb accuracy of the original, the R98 is still a force to be reckoned with. Comes with a variety of custom camo finishes and a quick action bolt perfect for hunting in the woods. (Good for approx 300 uses.) Like the R78, the R98 is only as good as the soldier using it.
Redwood Sawn-Off
Redwood Sawn-Off Shotgun

Manufacturer: Redwood Firearms
Primary: Double Barrel Shot
Secondary: Single Barrel Shot

The layers of caked blood and dirt are the only indication of the passing of time on this ancient weapon, once used by the ring leader of a now long gone gang in the old west. Having cut off most of the barrel, the owner found it much easier to conceal and found he could carry a second one, inspiring fear and false loyalty in those around him. Though he's gone, his weapon remains as formidable as it was then, firing 12 gauge buckshot rounds, either in pairs or single shot. Without most of its barrel, the ease of use due to being much lighter is readily apparent, even in the hands of an amateur. Still packs one hell of a kick.
Redwood Super-10
Redwood Super-10 Double Barreled Shotgun

Manufacturer: Redwood Firearms
Primary: Single Shot
Secondary: Melee Swipe

This primitive artifact has managed to survive the passage of time. Behind it trails a brutal story of bloodshed and sacrifice. For every scar, a life taken; every gouge, a life saved.
RS04 .45 Compact
RS04 .45 Compact

Manufacturer: Drake & Co Firearms
Primary: .45 Fire
Secondary: Flashlight

A brand new precision handgun designed by Drake & Co firearms, the Redstrom .45 is to be the military version of the current 10mm RS8. Dubbed the RS04, this unique and accurate pistol is still in its prototype stages. The .45 HV rounds used in the RS04 prototype allow for much improved stopping power at the expense of clip capacity and recoil. Current features include a tactical flashlight and a quick loading double shot firemode. Currently undergoing combat testing by private military contractors, the 8-round Redstrom is seen frequently in the battlefields of corporate warfare. The RS04 .45 Compact model is the latest variant.
SK-410 Assault Shotgun
SK-410 Assault Shotgun

Manufacturer: Zavod Tochnogo Voorujeniya (ZTV Export)
Primary: 8-Gauge Explosive Shot
Secondary: Melee

The SK-410 shotgun is a large-bore, compact shotgun based off the popular AK-490 design. While it is illegal on several major planets, this powerful weapon and its signature explosive shotgun shells are almost ubiquitous. A weapon originally designed for breaching use, the SK-410 is now found in the hands of civillians and terrorists throughout the worlds. It had become so prolific with outer colony terrorist groups that the UTC began the SKAS assault weapon program in an effort to find a powerful shotgun of their own.
SKAS-21 Super Shotgun
SKAS-21 Super Shotgun

Manufacturer: UTC Defense Tech
Primary: Variable Fire Buckshot
Secondary: Tri-Barrel Blast

The SKAS-21 Super Assault Shotgun is a brand-new, state-of-the-art weapons system developed by UTC Defense Tech. It has been nicknamed 'The Decimator' for its ability to sweep entire streets clean of hostiles in seconds. Built to provide sustained suppressive fire, the fully automatic SKAS fires from an electrically assisted, rotating triple-barrel system. An electric motor housed in the stock operates various internal functions, making this gun one of the few gas-operated/gatling hybrids. Non-ambidexterous models can disable this system for use with low-impulse ammunition, however use with standard ammunition is not recommended due to the resulting overpressurization. This heavy duty shotgun fires 10 gauge ammunition from a 18 round U drum by default, however 12 gauge (SKAS/M-21), grenade launching (SRAC/G-21), and box fed (SAS/CE-3) variants exist as well. Handle with care, as this is one expensive gun. This particular variant has a smart choke enabled on manual fire for increased accuracy.
SM-AT/AA Recoilless Rifle
Flak 16 Single Man Anti-Tank/Anti-Air Recoilless Rifle

Manufacturer: UTC Defense Tech
Primary: Launch Rocket
Secondary: Detonate Rocket

The Flak 16 SM-AT/AA Recoilless Rifle is a reloadable, single shot rocket launcher. The portable version of the Flak 54 AT/AA system, the Flak 16 SM-AT/AA is housed in a G5 casing and fires high-speed AP shaped charges for maximum penetration and damage. Engineered after UTC generals noticed the Cryons' knack for overrunning and taking over their Flak 54 sites, this new portable Recoilless Rifle has been the bane of Cryon armored divisions ever since.
SRAC-21/G Autocannon
SRAC-21/G Autocannon

Manufacturer: UTC Defense Tech
Primary: FRAG-12 Shot
Secondary: Tri-Barrel Blast

The SRAC-21/G 20mm Autocannon is the grenade launching variant of the SKAS-21 weapon system. It fires the highly potent FRAG-12 explosive round, which turns what is normally a close range suppression shotgun into a long range sniping cannon. It fires from the same electrically assisted, rotating triple-barrel system as the SKAS-21, which means that it can also be used with manual mode to further propel the generally low-impulse explosive charge. The explosive charges are designed to detonate on contact, which means the SRAC can be used in a similar fashion to a standard slug firing rifles. A laser sight is included on all SRACs due to a lack of back up iron sights. Handle with care, as this is one expensive gun.
SRS Mod-2 Battle Rifle
SRS Mod-2 Battle Rifle

Manufacturer: NDTR Industries
Primary: Powerful Rifle Fire
Secondary: Iron Sights

Popular demand for a civillian variant of the SRS-655 Battle Rifle spurred the creation of the versatile semi-automatic SRS Mod-2 Battle Rifle. Designed and refined in NDTR Industries' top notch R&D labs before the war, the Mod-2 is the precursor to the now-famous SRS-900. Customers can choose from a variety of targeting scopes, calibers and camouflage patterns to personalize their firearm. This specific version has been custom-modified with a suppressor mount and holographic sight. The SRS Mod-2 was awarded a 10 out of 10 by the Gentleman's Rifle Association for amazing precision and accuracy and was quoted to be 'the best gun for big game and home defense!' Gold variants are unfortunately currently out of stock.
T9CN Machine Pistol
T9CN 'Hammer' Machine Pistol

Manufacturer: Drake & Co Firearms
Primary: Auto 9mm Rounds
Secondary: Iron Sights

The T9CN was the precursor to the standard GRS9 Pistol, and it sported a rugged automatic firing mechanism and nickel finish. The automatic variant was designed with use by counter-terrorism units in mind, but sadly a lack of compensator gave the gun horrible inaccuracy and recoil. Most CTU's quickly dropped the GRS1 in favor of other more accurate machine pistols like the XRS-10 and the XK2, however infamous outlaw Var Dehidra and his cronies stole a stash of T9CN's and found good use for them. They were known for spraying them to keep enemies at bay and even tilting them to the side like gangsters of old. Their brazen use of police equipment inspired robberies throughout the cosmos!
The Golden Gun
The Golden Gun

Manufacturer: Auric Enterprises
Primary: Golden Bullet
Secondary: Iron Sights

One bullet against my six? I only need one.
X5W Black Ops Blade
X5W Black Ops Wrist Blade

Manufacturer: Enravion Combat Solutions
Primary: Slash
Secondary: Prepared Slash
Special: Block

A rare variant of the X5 short combat sword, the X5W is a special edition wrist blade developed for the UTC Black Ops paramilitary forces. Given to the elite assassination squads during the Skrith wars, this blade proved itself many times in close quarters combat. It is constructed using modern forging techniques and the highest quality materials, is built to last and is one of the only blades capable of standing its own against a charging Skrith warrior. Don't leave home without one.
X83A1 Anti-Materiel Rifle
X-83 A1 Anti-Materiel Rifle

Manufacturer: Evravion Combat Solutions
Primary: Single Powerful Shot
Secondary: Activate Zooming Scope
Special: (Scoped) Activate Night Vision/Detector
Special: (Unscoped) Mount X-83 A1

Enravion's high powered X-83 A1 Anti-Material Rifle is a fearsome sight on the modern day battlefield. With an effective range of about 1.1 miles, the X-83 can target and eliminate infantry and light vehicles with ease and at range using its specialized .50 cal N6-BMG HEAP rounds. This special operations weapon, designed to disable key targets like parked aircraft and APCs, was used extensively prior to the Skrith wars. While replaced mainly by the heavier Flak 16 SM-AT/AA and M75-TIC during the wars, the X-83 has been brought back into the limelight following the infamous assassination of UTC General Alan Winchester by feared Outworld terrorist group, The Hand. It should be noted that this is a specialist's rifle and can be difficult to use without training.
X8 Ballistic Knife
X8 Ballistic Knife

Manufacturer: Zavod Tochnogo Voorujeniya
Primary: Slash / Stab
Secondary: Launch Blade

A counterpart to Enravion's X3 Knife, the X8 Ballistic Knife is the Eastern Bloc's preferred way to deal with CQC enemies. While primarily used as a bayonet on the venerable AK490, the X8 is still quite effective in hand to hand fighting thanks to its lethally sharp blade. When opponents are too far to gut personally, the unique gas propellant mechanism inside the hilt of the knife lets the user turn their knife into a fast moving spear. Several unfortunate accidents have caused the X8 to be considered unfit for civilian use.
XM300 Dragon Nanoblade
XM300 Dragon Nanoblade

Manufacturer: XWI Elite Systems
Primary: Slash
Secondary: Double Slash
Special: Block

The Dragon Nanoblade is a technological marvel. A weapon consisting of a nanotechnologically created blade which is dynamically 'forged' on command into a non-eutactic solid. Nanoscale whetting devices ensure that the blade is both unbreakable and lethally sharp. The true weapon of a modern warrior.
XM84 Heavy Tech Grenade
XM84 Heavy Disruptor Grenade

Manufacturer: XWI Elite Systems
Primary: Throw Grenade
Secondary: Roll Grenade
Special: Release Clip

The XM84 Heavy Disruptor grenade is an advanced electromagnetic pulsar weapon designed for incapacitation and disorientation. State of the art field psionic generators ensure the XM84 can tackle all types of targets. A fission criticality-inducing core combined with the Tandem MS flux generator gives the XM84 the destructive ability to strip away energy shields and fry any electrical system without a Warship-Grade Faraday cage. Warning: Long term exposure to armed XM84s is known to cause acute radiation poisoning and cerebral hemorrhaging. Proximity to a disruptive burst will cause permanent memory loss and irreversible neurological damage.
XMB-500 Personal Minigun
XMB-500 Personal Minigun
Manuacturer: Enravion Combat Solutions
Primary: Auto fire

The XMV-500 Personal Suppression System is a prototype weapon being developed by Enravion as a low-recoil, precision minigun. The XMB-500 has been designed for ease of use with infantry and boasts firerates of 600 to 2400 RPM; combined with the potent incendiary rounds, the accurate XMB-500 is perfect for cutting down large amounts of enemy troops. This weapon has excellent accuracy when stationary but unfortunately cannot be fired safely at the higher speeds while moving. To prevent damage to the user and the weapon, the XMB-500 will automatically lock when mobile at cyclic speeds over 600 RPM. It should be noted that the speed sensor will malfunction if submerged in liquid or not properly cared for.
FG50 Mounted MG
FG50 Mounted MG
X-83 A1 Mounted Rifle
X-83 A1 Mounted Rifle

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
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