
Mutator Information

Adds the following weapons:|M4 M203, Frag Grenades, M249 SAW, M870 Shotgun, RPG-7, M24 Sniper, M82 Sniper||Configure mutator to set which weapons to use, method of replacement and other options.||v3.5
January 2005
1.4 MB


Adds the following weapons:
M4 M203, Frag Grenades, M249 SAW, M870 Shotgun, RPG-7, M24 Sniper, M82 Sniper

Configure mutator to set which weapons to use, method of replacement and other options.

Frag Grenades
Frag Grenades are powerful explosives with a large explosion radius. They have three second fuses which can be 'cooked' off before throwing by holding the fire button. Cooking a grenade too long will result in your injury or death. Grenades can also be exploded by weaponfire and explosions. Primary fire throws them full strength, secondary fire throws them at half strength. The Frag Grenades are difficult to use well, but are very deadly when they are timed right.
M249 SAW
The M249 SAW is an automatic rifle that is fairly accurate for its very quick rate of fire, but it has heavy recoil. This is a powerful close-range weapon.
M24 Sniper
The M24 is a single-fire sniper rifle that must recharge between shots, which takes 2 seconds. It has a 5-round chamber which takes over 4 seconds to reload. It has pin-point accuracy, and little recoil. Secondary fire operates the high-power scope. This sniper rifle is preferred by those who only want to shoot once per target.
M4 Rifle
The M4 is an automatic rifle that fires fairly quickly and is quite accurate. It takes about 2 seconds to reload its 30-round clip. It has moderate recoil. The attached M203 grenade launcher fires impact-detonated 40mm grenades. This is a good all-around weapon. The tournament version of the M4 is light enough so that players can wield two M4s at once, to double the fire rate. However, it also doubles the reload time and lowers accuracy. Still, dual M4s are a force to be reckoned with.
M82 Sniper
The M82 Barret is a semi-automatic sniper rifle. It has a 10-round clip which takes about 3 seconds to reload. It's accuracy is almost dead-on, but it has heavy recoil. Secondary fire operates the high-power scope. This sniper rifle is better for quick multiple snipes.
M870 Shotgun
The M870 is a single-fire pump-action shotgun. Due to the wide spread of the pellets, it is quite limited in range, and has heavy recoil. At close range where most of the pellets will hit, this weapon can quickly eliminate any target.
The RPG-7 is a launcher that fires rocket propelled grenades which move very quickly and deliver high damage. Reloading another RPG takes about two seconds. This weapon can effectively take out targets medium range.

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ArmyWeapons.u 2.3 MB e790c80c5180378adfa178484f9162153c13d080 -

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