Unreal Tournament 2004 / Mutators / Arkon2004v40

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Mutator Information

March 2004
7.8 MB


Arkon Shields
Arkon Weapons 2004
Arkon2004 - Arkon's Revenge

Replaces all standard weapons with the new guns from the Arkon Weapons pack.
Combat Mortar
Latest development in the heavy-assault gear department. The mortar grenade will upon impact discharge a highly energetic field that is both lethal and at the same time has the extraordinary ability to short out most known shielding devices by disrupting the base projector matrix. This will cause uncontrollable and dangerous fluctuations in the shield's power supply and will take at least a few seconds time for the victim to re-initialize the matrix. If fired at at soft target closer than ten feet though, at the speed it is fired with the grenade is likely to actually penetrate the victim's defences and after a check-back via the built in distance tracer will then unleash all the stored power into this target exclusively instead of emitting it in all directions. Combined with the considerable kinetic force the projectile holds, the Combat Mortar indeed makes also for a quite formidable close combat weapon.
The Desintegrator is a device both widely used as a weapon as well as a mining tool, focusing a flirring, greenish field that is capable of interfering with the targets cohaesive forces on a molecular level. Matter with extremely high density will sustain longer, still even the hardest stone can be rendered to ultra-fine dust in a matter of seconds. Gases principally seem unaffected, since their cohaesive forces are already very low. A living being struck by a desintegrator ray will usually dissolve and die instantly, but since most tournament combatants have undergone various degrees of biomechanical enhancement a few extra hits can never hurt...
Desintegrator Grenade
Widely known as 'Moluk Raybomb' the light type-D assault ammunition is appreciated as a versatile and powerful hand grenade. Based on the same idea as the desintegrator rifle, the desintegrator grenade incites a spontaneous breakdown of all molecular cohaesive forces in a ten feet radius, though it's effectivity quickly diminishes over distance.
Core of this unique weapon is a micro-polaron anticycler, a complex device capable of hyperenergizing matter with low molecular density. Although theoretically any inert gas could be used to power the gun, best results have been observed using Tetrahelium, which is better known as 'Tetron', a common fuel substance used for small starship reactors. The Disruptor itself features two fire modes: primary launches a deadly, highly focused proton-energy torpedo that remains coherent even over large distances, while secondary unleashes the Disruptor's full destructive power by simply releasing the energized plasma in a super-hot, yet short ranged, burst of eerie green flames.
Fusion-Gatling Gun
Using ancient technology found in derelict planetary defence cannons this miniaturized portable fusion cannon is still easily capable of bringing down medium sized aircraft. It's impressive size and bulkiness can severly hinder your movement in actual combat. Since technicians also saw no way to implement a sufficient coolant reservoir without making it imposible for a single humanoid to carry, the weapon's design was instead based on outdated gatling guns, featuring a spinning set of several barrels to prevent overheating of the focus unit, which adds another severe drawback, namely a four second spin-up delay to precisely synchronize the barrel rotation with the singularity's hypertact before the gun can be used.
An outdated, clumsy makeshift weapon of considerable destructive force nevertheless. A standard set of three ground-to-ground missile fuel units, outfitted with a simple electronic lightbarrier trigger to set off a devastating explosion the moment somthing breaks through the laser. Most useful if stuck against a wall in a doorway or tight corridor to ensure the target is within blast range. Can be easily disabled/detonated with most weapons by hitting it fom a safe distance though. The non-intelligent trigger mechanism makes it dangerous to friends and foes alike, so handle with extreme care.
The Kappa labs - Mark II infantry carried mass driver represents the pinnacle of terran weapons technology. This state of the art magnetic mass-accellerator weapon fires an ultra cooled Terkonit cylinder projectile at some three digit multiplier the speed of sound, which allows passing through most solid objects with ease. Even the most advanced shielding technologies are hardly able to resist such a tremendous kinetic energy and will most likely only slow it down to the point a conventional armor might stand a chance, even then, victims are usually hurt considerably and thrown back great distances. Headshots are always lethal though, no questions asked.
Missile Launcher
A sturdy, solid case bottom-loader that fires a calibre 10, self propelled projectile, featuring an armor piercing high explosive warhead of considerable size that is capable of stopping small-to-medium sized armored vehicles and unleashes a devastating effect if fired at soft targets. Designed as a single-carried light support weapon, this missile launcher was meant to combat agile enemies at medium distances, so it was outfitted with a laserlock type foefinder unit to ensure a precise targeting.
Orbital Cannon Uplink
This inconspicuous little electronic device allows the combatant to establish an uplink with the extremely potent stellar converter satellite currently orbiting roughly thirty-thousand kilometers above the battlefield. Upon successful marking of the attack location and a short delay to charge the capacitors and bring the satellite in precise firing position, a highly focused stream of intense thermal energy will strike the target and unleash hell on earth for a duration of approximately ten seconds, completely wiping out any resistance in near vicinity.
Plasma Gun
A 'pulse driver' is based on the cold fusion principle and usually only encountered in form of an impulse drive inside a full sized starship, but recently a number of prototype handheld weapons featuring a nuclear pulse generator have also appeared. Catalytic Deuterium is used as nuclear reactive mass, the created fusion plasma is then contained and accellerated through a tubular magnetic field with gravomechanical properies. The amount of plasma per shot can be dynamically adjusted by pressing and holding down the charge-button, but is severely limited, compared to a ship-mounted device, by the technical weakness of the small containment chamber. Safety precautions prohibit charging up more than twenty-five PJ [petajoule] as this is already creating impressive and very dangerous inductory effects. Projectiles usually glow in an eerie blue and are capable of melting effortlessly through five-inch plates of solid Terkonit.
Thermal Projector
The CNC or, scientifically correct, 'Constant-Rip Needlepoint Cannon', is combining two completely different physical principles into an entirely new weapon: an ordinary high-power infrared carbon laser is fired through a tubular energy field with hyperphysical characteristics, that completely prevents the beam to suffer any losses, be it optical or thermical diasperation. Not only is it possible this way to keep the beam focused even over long distances, but the surrounding air also wont heat up.
Thermo Blasters
The basic carbon laser pistol issued to military and security personal all over the galaxy. Small, lightweight, dependable and at the same time dealing out damage like no other, once you got two of them...
Thermo Grenade
From a technical point of view the desintegrator grenade might be cleaner, more aestaethic and a helluva' lot safer to handle, but there's no point in being hypocritical if atomization in a desintegrator field or vaporization in a controlled sub-nuclear heat wave is the more humane method of killing. And holding the power of a 'Pocket-Nova', as the thermo grenade has been respectfully titulated frequently, in your hand feels extremely satisfying.

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
Arkon2004.u 1.8 MB 81c77b0a92ab7cc9787735556fd53be8b596fd90 6
Arkon2004SMesh.usx 1.1 MB 06b3ed7fb1499342b8ef1c518a197bef7d004b74 6
Arkon2004Tex.utx 23.3 MB f61cb10b9065a5c8b2095dec35c3f2ca153d4cb1 6
ArkonShields.u 18.0 KB 5209da97ba6623e50b60c0c328c4b09bceb5a4a3 6

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