Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / Vehicle CTF / VCTF-BE-Dystopia


Map Information

Vehicle CTF
May 2007
This city used to be a shining metropolis until the cost of industry took it's toll.

Like most citie's it fell to the intense pollution and hazardous wastes that where produced by the many paper mill's and gas power plants that existed.

But unlike other citie's this one suffered from extreme amounts of pollution causing the sky to go a sickly green color, produce constant lightning, caustic rain, and allow very little oxygen, and on top of that there where fights between the many companies that existed within the city.

Not long ago the city was plunged into war when the fueds between the two biggest companies turned into war..

In the end there was nothing left but a sickly green wasteland with a scorched sky.

Just perfect for Liandri...

This map was named by Adam-MiricleMatter-Harris
5.3 MB

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VCTF-BE-Dystopia.ut2 12.4 MB 1b6758959303e6dc5837625ad7e5e0e5bc479a0c 1

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