Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / Vehicle CTF / VCTF-August_Reign_3-0

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Map Information

Vehicle CTF
August Reign
Team August
August 2005
In the aftermath of a plague swept kingdom, there were survivors who found themselves exiled from the capital City of Lace due to familial ties with its plague victims. With nothing but their clothes on their backs (and sometimes not even that), their homes were burnt and livestock slaughtered or stolen wholesale. Finding themselves within the ruins of the Valley of Leer, these exiles swore vengeance upon those whom which they formerly swore allegiance. The Liandri Corporation, siezing every opportunity to export violence and strife to a bloodthirsty audience, began dealing arms and armor to willing recipients on both sides of this conflict to better promote its gory action. The 'lowtech' establishment of this planet having thus died, the war was naturally moved to areas on the world that provided more abundant resources with which to supply both armies new equipment. The City of Lace and the Valley of Leer has by now so ravaged by the fury of modern technology as to render their possession superficial at most by military means, so the Liandri Corporation has thoughtfully decided to supply both sides of this territory, dubbed the 'August Front' for its regal heritage, with imported mercenaries to promote the conflict on this popular rocky battlefield. A Liandri P.R. executive has made assurances that these broadcasts will now be withdrawn from the global war and contained with this area...
30.3 MB


Name Release Date (est) File Name File Size
VCTF-August_Reign_3-0 2005-08 vctf-august_reign_3-0.zip 30.3 MB

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
Aug_Sound.uax 5.7 MB 15a1aa8f774fb2aedce399b9bff9aa99f17a9d84 1
Aug_Test_S.usx 12.2 MB 1198406e7221253f30bdb8bb5e275aad5bb51a81 1
Aug_Test.utx 38.2 MB 1fdc3d273ca0739ee0dc8fd5b23ab98a7a9ea0b6 1
VCTF-August_Reign_3-0.ut2 6.0 MB dfd31b3ac80136ee424dc9e945d66877acb3da98 1

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  Aug_Test OK File is included
  Aug_Sound OK File is included
  Aug_Test OK File is included
  Aug_Test_S OK File is included
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